Stop Being Manipulated by the Media (Like the NY Times) About Bitcoin, and Learn to Think for Yourself
Opponents of Bitcoin use every possible means to denigrate Bitcoin without ever trying to understand its why.
Recently, the NY Times published an article attacking the Bitcoin mining industry.
It must have been commissioned by the government because it is so misleading about the impact of Bitcoin on the environment.
But that's not the point.
The real question you need to ask yourself is: why are the powerful in the current system, of which the media like the NY Times is only a relay, so intent on denigrating Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is scary because Bitcoin gives power back to the people. Something that the powerful people at the head of the current system do not want to see happens.
These powerful people are too afraid to lose their power of money creation and the privileges that the flaws of the current system give them.
The energy consumption of Bitcoin is just a pretext used to criticize Bitcoin to the general public.
If the energy consumption of human activities was something that really concerned the powerful people at the head of the current system, and I include the media that are relays, then they would have already carried out investigations on thousands of other activities that are energy consuming, and that unlike Bitcoin do not bring anything to the people.
An example?
Have you ever seen a media investigation telling you that Christmas lights are total heresy?
But it is. It serves no purpose whatsoever, but it continues to be done year after year.
This is just one example, but it should alert you to the fact that the media is only spreading the governments' anti-Bitcoin message.
The day you open your eyes to this reality, you will have taken a big step.
Bitcoin tops out at 21 million. The dollar printer is theoretically infinite. US military, which enforces dollar hegemony, alone has larger emissions than 140 different countries.