Check the Bitcoin source code. Do the maths. Run the numbers.

in #bitcoin2 years ago

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Like all Bitcoiners, I keep telling you that what makes Bitcoin so incredible is that with Bitcoin you can verify everything yourself.

The Bitcoin motto is unambiguous on this point: "Don't Trust, Verify".

Bitcoin allows you to verify everything yourself statically (within the Bitcoin source code, which is obviously open and accessible to everyone) and dynamically (by running your node on the network).

But to verify for yourself, you have to know where to look...

In my book "The Truth About Bitcoin", I show you how to verify directly by yourself within the Bitcoin source code that all the guarantees of the Bitcoin protocol are indeed engraved in its source code, like in marble.

I think that Jamie Dimon, who keeps saying that Bitcoin is not hard-capped at 21 million units, should read my book to understand that he keeps spreading lies about Bitcoin.

Unless he does it on purpose... For a Bankster, that would not be surprising.

Anyway, you can find more details about my book below.

Don't Trust, Verify ;)

Get the Truth About Bitcoin

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