Tomorrow, Bitcoin will get recognized as money in Australia - Impact on price of BTC?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Starting tomorrow, Australian government will recognize Bitcoin as money without taxes on it. This will definatelly be another major step for whole crypto world.


I think the correction is over and because most of people is expecting more price drops, I think opposite will happen and cryptos will keep going up, as they did before the correction.

How do you think this will affect the price of BTC and other cryptocurrencies?

Leave your opinion in comments.


Good for you Australia. Visionaries!

If you can't beat them, join them. -The governments.

@mrsullivan Love this quote! Saved it to my PC ;)

Thank you @mrsullivan ;)
I followed you and upvoted your most recent post..;) Follow back please ;)

Gooo Australia! Finally on top, yet still possibly down under

In this Australia is way ahead..;) For example in the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Finance just recently said "What is that bitcoin?!", some Czech banks keep blocking some bank transactions from crypto. I hope those old, coservative politicians will wake up finally and realize that the FUTURE is happening right now and they can't fight it anymore.

The impact is positive in long term.

I agree with you and I hope short term as well, as I am holding crypto right now..;)

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Exciting times ahead guys :D

For sure, but I am still waiting for those flying cars and travelling to Mars or Moon for vacation.. :D

One thing is sure; "bitcoin can only get better" and adoption like this sure drives price going up has demand in Australia will definitely increase following this news. Speculators as well will want to throw in some money

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