BITCOIN NEWS: India Bans Crypto? - My Thoughts On An Important Subject

in #bitcoin6 years ago

My love for cryptocurrency began in 2011. I read in Wired magazine, that Satoshi Nakamoto had invented Bitcoin. We had heard of previous such inventions, but this one did stand out. It seemed to have solved some classic economic theory problems that were previously not well understood. It was both an inovation in economic theory and implementation in software. It seemed to be working. I was impressed! And promptly forgot about it..
I read that it was possible to mine for virtual currency, BUT to convert to fiat currency was a problem. Then later in 2013, I read that Cypress was having economic problems with it’s currency failing, and people were rushing to? USD? Euro? NO, Bitcoin! And it hit $1000! HOLY COW!

Now I got to work… talking to a few friends, they all told me it was a ponzi scheme. At first I just listened, and I read. About so many things; Ron Paul talking about the Federal Reserve Bank and how it should be ended. Why precious metal prices were being manipulated and previous high prices were crashing. My friends said the USD was the best investment lately… What to believe!?

During breaks at work, I would read about mining BTC, and realized it was all ready too late, with GPUs in simple PCs. And the electricity would be very expensive, maybe $300 per month.
But I wanted to understand crypto, so I set up a “mining rig” machine in my back patio rake closet, where all the fan noise from the machine, and the heat, would not bother anyone.

And I mined Litecoin, a close relative of Bitcoin. I soon realized at current prices I was losing a little money but assumed the investment would “someday” payoff.. Until the power bill came and the GF was not happy. (This is actually a classic Silicon Valley story and I met other GFs, selling their guy’s old equipment on CraigsList ads, trying to clean out the house..)

“I had some splainnin to dooo!” 😉 The bill was $350, almost $300 more than usual. And the power company was sending me letters than I was using 5 times more power than my neighbors. They assume I guess I’m growing ganja, or mining Bitcoin I guess… the classic reasons for high power usage.

I read about ASIC mining, and Bitcoin mining had became so hard because of how the price of bitcoin skyrocketed. But that was expensive hardware and there was a waiting list to buy it, and over time I lost interest in paying the bills and shut down my mining rigs. At one time I had 2, and they were running 6 large GPUs.

Over time I just decided I had fiat currency, it was easier to buy BTC and just hold it. The price of BTC was going down again. I would meet Chinese kids in the parking lot by Ebay, and we had phone wallets… ;-)

The government of India recently gave an order stating that all financial institutions have three [3] months to cut off all ties and transactions that have to do with cryptocurrency.

I have friends in India, worried that this will ruin the time, effort and money they have put in making this way of life work for them.

Some are saying that the Indian government has placed an outright ban on all crypto currency. This news sends chills down the spines of Indian investors... BUT wait, they already did this in China, yes?

Did the Chinese stop using crypto? Did they stop mining it?
Did this fact persuade them they won’t be able to accept it directly for payments?

NO - I believe these “bans” only disconnect exchanges from banks. And little else… AND SIMPLY ensure shopkeepers and businesses DIRECTLY accept crypto sooner.

I picked up my car yesterday from the repairman, and said “I have Cash, Plastic or Crypto, which do YOU like?! ;-)”

And we had the “EDGE Wallet” conversation. I told him to start accepting ETH and LTC and he could convert BTC to either, right on the wallet! He was listening.

I WILL HAVE THIS CONVERSATION WITH EVERY MERCHANT i do business with going forward. We are going to converse, and I will GIST THEM!


I do not think there is any need to worry.

With a sexy “IPhone of Crypto" platform like STEEM, there will come a time when financial institutions will not be as important.

The web wallet on enables us to perform transactions faster than banks. People will be interested in changing Rupees to STEEM/SBD will exist when we spread the word to cash based businesses!

WE already use STEEM/SBD to purchase goods and services!

Of course, the Indian Government is looking to release their alt coin. This means that they acknowledge the fact crypto is the future, it is valuable, but they don’t get DECENTRALIZATION.


Dan Larimer says blockchains and the software that we develop to use them as currency is the first step to developing tools that secure Life, Liberty and Property. Watch any number of his interviews on YouTube to see the creator of STEEM discuss his reasons for doing so:

"The tools to empower AFRICA are now with us. It's a responsibility now. It is IRRESPONSIBE to ignore this situation and not seize the day!

While India and China see fit to ban crypto currency transactinos with banks, the reality is these are The Tools of Liberty! They must be prized and developed as Sacred to Humanity. - Surfyogi”

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Thanks buddy, I am from India and got bit relieved by reading this beautiful article. The govt which bans crypto is dragging its citizens to stone age

even china did the same it didn't stopped bitcoin from going anywhere infact its more in use now than before the govt. all over the world have to think either they want to lack behind in this digital age or want to go forward.

Even Dubai which i think is the best country when it comes to technological and infrastructural developments as soon as they came to know about this blockchain tech they implemented it straight away the only way for the world is to go forward now .


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I think Ron Paul is the only honest person in politics. You got in to mining so soon. When you started mining I have not heard of such a thing at that time. However, I still belive I was not to late when it comes to crypto investing. I finaly opened the Door to crypto last year and started buying some ETH, LTC and bitcoin of course. I’m a huge believer and also I know that patience pays of. I’m a huge fan of gold and silver as well and once again patience pays off. It is very unfortunate for people of India. Once again the government and banks are opposing free and decentralized idea. I believe this will lead people all over the world to adapt and innovate and that’s what humans do, thay inovate, they will find a new ways to keep their ideas alive when it comes to crypto and blockchain ideas...

We need to keep spreading the news..... We need to educate more people.

People needed to think out of the box at the initial stage because it was lot more complex that time... But now it has become very much easier but the problem lies that many people are not educated, so all we need to do is educate others so that we can totally be independent...

Hey Surf!
This post made my day man!
Blockchain technology cannot be stopped .
The more the government try the more they make it more popular!
Soon w would be able to trade directly with crypto.
I hope that day is tomorrow coz I can't wait.
Banks will die a very painful death.

Also man! I appreciate you history in crypto
Sometimes I wish I had bought crypto when I first heard about it and just frigging left it in my wallet.
Cheers man!

If you have never heard me speak about "Unstoppable Applications" then definately listen to my youtube interview with Adrian Nantchev. "adrian nantchev surfyogi" will bring it up.

Oh great lemme do that search query already. Will get back to you!

I want to raise a point here is that government's motto behind banning crypto currency is because of lot of corruption or fraud involved especially in India.

Blockchain is good but if some people are misusing for fraud and cheating then it's not good either. That's why government is not very much interested to regularize it fully.

That's my opinion only. :)

The Indian banks will change it's part of life.
But will humans wicked nature?

My only fear now is the way the world is going. Killings everywhere.

We all need compassion

Listen to Dan's interviews.
AGORISM can fix much of human wickedness in my opinion. And these theories are built into STEEM and Steemit in many ways...

Alright sir.


I will do as you have said, and check it. Because this world needs change.
We really do.

Governments fear the unknown, especially an unknown that they have no idea how to regulate. Add to this a financial system that will fight tooth and nail to maintain their supreme position to manipulate the world economy to their advantage, it is no wonder that cryptocurrencies are being assailed from governments, banks, and the media. None of these organisations want the financial system placed in the hands of the hoi polloi, God forbid that it might create equality and the sharing of wealth in a more equitable way (you might have guessed I'm still pissed off that bankers and financiers got off scott free after causing the GFC and sending millions of people to the wall and nothing has changed). Anyway that's enough of my rant. But here's to cryptocurrencies tearing down the current banking system.

WE already use STEEM/SBD to purchase goods and services!

Are you kidding me? Where and what exactly can one buy with this steem? Just hearing this for the first time.

Of course, the Indian Government is looking to release their alt coin

What a ridiculous irony. How can they be talking about banning crypto and at the same time trying to release the own altcoin...I don't just get this.

People should learn that crypto is here to stay and that fighting it is more like an endless tunnel. There is actually no light at the end of that tunnel for them.

I read about how u started mining bitcoin and you story is far different from mine. As we speak, I don't have a single bitcoin. As a matter of fact I heard about bitcoin a long time ago but just like your friends told you, I thought it was Ponzi and I havnt had a good experience with Ponzi and so didn't want anything to do with bitcoin.

I got interested in bitcoin and crypto generally what I got on steemit. Steemit introduced me to the world of crypto and it's been fun all the way I must say.

It's easy to use an exchange to convert STEEM or SBD to ETH, LTC, or BTC and put it on my EDGE wallet on my phone. Read my blog about EDGE wallet! It's so cool! And the wallet will convert BTC, to ETH and ETH trades really fast, so does LTC. You can meet up with traders locally that will give you cash for crypto, no problem. Or get your local grocer to start accepting it, by showing them your EDGE wallet and how easy it is to use.

I pay for my data plan with STEEM/SBD

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62817.54
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74