The Cryptocurrency Crash May 2017! Is the Mega NOW ON? Should you sell or go shopping?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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Chances are you have woken up to the disastrously huge crash of the Cryptocurrency market today, and the hottest game on the planet has been rendered cold, unmerciful and punishing. After reaching a record high total market cap of $91.1 billion on Wednesday 24th May, with millions of newbies entering the game for a piece of the glorious Cryptocurrency pie, $25 billion has just been pulled out of the market out of fear! The sell orders stack up like a lego construction of the Empire State Building, and the prices of the stocks we've been wanting to reduce for the last week have fallen like the Berlin Wall!

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So what do you do now that the Cryptocurrency God has shown his cruel hand? The hand that has exposed every inexperienced trader for what they are... happy to make the glamourous quick bucks but unable to deal with the hammering losses? This is where the investor shows their mettle! You can either fold, cash out and never enter the doors of an Exchange again, or you can see this is as one of the best opportunities to go shopping!

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I had been waiting all week for Dogecoin and Steem prices to fall and now they have! I have also been waiting for the right entry point for Digibyte all week and it just never came... and this morning, it has! Ok, I hear what you are saying, the price of Bitcoin has also come down, meaning that a purchase of Digibyte at from 1c to $0.008 is hardly as attractive now that Bitcoin has gone down from $2700 to now $1900. However, all is not lost. Whether this is a "correction" or just an out and out crash, Bitcoin and the rest of the Alt coins will rise. This crash is hardly the worst and it won't be the last.

As Baron Rothschild once said "The time to buy is when there is Blood on the Streets", and boy is there a sh*t load of red on the Exchanges today! But Rothschild made a fortune buying in the panic that followed the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon!

So you see all these reds?

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That's people having a PANIC!

Now is the time to BUILD AN EMPIRE!!

Thank you for reading this and I hope you found it inspirational! Would you please upvote this if you would like me to make more posts like it?


Nice to see you here, welcome to Steemit :) Can't wait to hear more from you! Upvote and Follow.

Done and done! thanks for the welcome! :)

A great post, and yes like you I too saw the "crash" as an opportunity. Prices will fluctuate, it's how the system works. One man's panic is another's opportunity.
Belated welcome to steemit, and I look forward to seeing more of your posts.

Thanks Katdvine, I appreciate it! I felt absolutely no horror the morning after the crash, I felt motivated to get on there and start buying and I am glad I did because my portfolio has almost totally recovered!

Nice meeting you. Please upvote and follow me

Just finished your Udemy course today. Realised how much you love Steem and now I'm following you here. I learnt alot from you. Thank you for offering the discounted price.

Great post, after seeing your video i wanted to try steemit myself. Looks like a great platform. :)

Confessions of a (Crypto) Shopaholic. The struggle was real the past days, I see red and I wanna go shopping!

Almost all of the coins I was interested in have shot up dramatically, and as I expected, the prices have really started to stabilise today...

The only shopping spree one can do that has a potential of returning back the shopping expenses 10 times on a good day, 100 times on a great day, or even 1000 times on an unbelievably awesome day!

Thanks Joel! Good to see you here!

Always enjoy your content :D

I like your videos :)

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