Automated Shipping with SmartContainers

in #bitcoin6 years ago

What I really like about Amazon is that it always comes up with cool ways to improve customer experience. Amazon's next big goal is to make drones deliver things right at our doorstep. That sounds super exciting and I can't wait to see it become the standard. I think SmartContainers could help Amazon reach its goal faster. SmartContainers right now makes containers that can keep food or medicines safely in their required temperature. It also uses IoT technology to track shipments. Now these guys want to go for more exciting thing with technology. SmartContainers is going to use blockchain and IoT together in its containers.

Automated Shipping

Once SmartContainers blends blockchain technology with its containers, they will be able to do a lot more than just keep food and medicine cold. I am thinking of a world where I order my groceries and a drone just brings them straight to me. Right now things could go wrong as the package with the food would need to be able to keep meats cold. And since drones aren't people, something could go wrong with the packaging along the way.

SmartContainers gives the containers needed to keep the meats, frozen food, and fish safe during the drone delivery. The IoT technology will make sure that the temperature and pressure is fine during the drone delivery. The sensensre will also help the drone not crash the package into things. And whenever anything is about to go wrong with the shipment, smart contracts could follow the given protocol and automatically settle things in place. A world where our groceries are delivered to us by drones needs advanced drones and containers. Drones are advancing but that's only one part of a shipment. The container with the drone is carrying the food so it is also important. While Amazon and some othet companies advance drones, SmartContainers is advancing containers.

Amazon's advanced drones + SmartContainers = groceries safely flown to my doorstep.

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