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RE: Can't Kill An Idea; Can't Ban Technology

in #bitcoin5 years ago

At the moment they desperately want to retain all the control they can, but just wait until the systems they've created begin to implode due to the rotten stench of their own corruption. These ravenous leeches have no idea how to build value; only take.

Bitcoin's gonna be looking pretty sexy then; the only asset left that has a foundation that won't shatter. Transferable permissionlessly anywhere in the world; privacy doesn't matter because they're already above the law.

Like this place doesn't have the same markings of rotten stench. Your play on some wild, wild west scenario where people are going to tell governments of the world to go screw themselves and run their own system is laughable at best. You really think the majority of people want a system like that displayed here?....really?...the why aren't more people coming then going? It's hilarious, all the deception and heavy handed tactics deployed here are deplorable. What you think is lawless just hasn't been worth it yet to go after, I think the typical phase used is the complaints will lay on a desk until they mile up enough for someone to take notice and do something about it. Meaning right now this is just a small pea in the scheme of all the wrong doing going on. As crypto's grow so will the attention be given to them, there will come a day when Alf and his motley crew of alts were be forced to become one and abide by all the rules, laws and regulations as all others. Your assumption it will run rugged by the very means it takes little of nothing to keep it going is just as absurd, the system does not work on it's own and is only as good as those willing to go to jail or die for it. I can hardly wait for the day they try and oppose Russia and China, try and take control of their monetary system, yeah, right. Those countries have no problem at all taking care of those who they think will harm them.

It's even more staggering that you actually think no one's paying attention to how this is all folding out. In essence is the current cypto status quo is just laying the ground work, free of charge to the governments, of a potential new money system that they will snatch from you faster than a blink of an eye.

If you don't mind, please let me repeat an often quoted phrase from another old blogger, in terms that apply to this gibberish:

Go lay by your dish.


" money system that they will snatch from you faster than a blink of an eye."

It's hard to refute this. Look what happened to Libra: it challenged the status quo with substantial stakeholders - but not the same stakeholders - so it was prevented from launch. Should an organic DLT arise that functionally allows those legacy stakeholders to deploy it by seizing it from insubtantial stakeholders, that is exactly what will happen. It is what has happened to BTC, almost to the minute the futures market was launched.


Sad as it may be to some, some of us are not blinded to the realities. Thanks!

Your toxic experiences with Steem and social media in general have nothing to do with Bitcoin adoption. Communities are popping up like wildfire. What is it that your so salty about again? Oh right, probably the same thing as me; a drowning scarcity slave.

The need for a neutral platform to trade value on is at all time highs, and will remain indefinitely. No one can create more Bitcoin. It's a good enough solution. It doesn't have to be good. Same with Steem.

It doesn't have to be good. Same with Steem.

Eventually you'll find differently. It just a matter of time, and in most cases pissing off the wrong person with the connections and resources to push things along the regulatory compliance trial.

Toxicity is just a fact of life. Part and parcel. This place is no different, the bad actors are just as plentiful and as in real life your chances of running into them here are just as equal.

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