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RE: Paypal Shenanigans? Time To Use Bitcoin and Crypto-Currencies.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I hate banks, and I hate PayPal. Both have given me hassle from time to time over the years, up to and including not letting me access my own money for long periods of time for dumb reasons. If I could realistically operate on an all-cash basis, I would. It's the only thing I really trust. But, being a freelance writer, with clients all over the world, I have to have SOME way of getting paid electronically.

I used to have one client in China who would pay me via Western Union. That meant a trip to the Western Union store to pick up the money, but it was better than banks or PayPal.

I've only ever used Bitcoin to cash out Steem Dollars I've made here. Maybe moving my clients toward paying me with Bitcoin is something I should look into. There would be a learning curve for them, as there was for me, but it seems like the more secure option.

Thanks for some food for thought here.


Believe me, once you make the move to crypto business gets so much easier.

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