Flagged for contentless spam? I guess some just don't know a quality blog when they see one..!!

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)


6 Days ago I posted a BULLISH BUY ALERT for BITCOIN.

It received 99 upvotes and 1 flag.

The flag was supported by a comment.

"Flagged for contentless spam."

At the time of the blog BITCOIN was trading at $657.07.

Currently Bitcoin is trading at $717.88 and has a MktCap of $11,448,702,396.

I would say that the blog was anything but contentless.

BITCOIN remains...




I guess some just don't know a quality blog when they see one..!!

Thank you to all my followers for your continued support over the last few months on Steemit. 

You guys rock..!!

Keep a very close eye on SILVER and GOLD in the next few weeks..!!

Thanks for reading and please feel free to share.



Every post does not need to be the length of War and Peace... It is up to the reader whether they upvote it...hell, if you don't want to see an accounts posts either unfollow or mute...Flagging like this is subjective bullshit and does not help the steemit ecosystem.

"...is subjective bullshit and does not help the steemit ecosystem".... I couldn't have put it any better myself. Thanks for the support. Stephen

I have always found that your sharing of information in your post is VALUE ADDED content to the SteemIt community. I do not understand the "spam" claim. Your posts have not been anything close to spam in my opinion.

As a member of the SteemIt community I will continue to stand with you and look forward to your next post!

Steem on,

Cheers Mike I appreciate the support and likewise with your posts. Valuable content is what it is all about. Keep the posts coming. Cheers. Stephen

Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one.
They all stink
.... as far as others are concerned.

This is exactly why STEEMIT in the future will be a HUGE success. 99 people said I was right and 1 said I was wrong. I was right and so was 99 others..!! You can't put a price on that. STEEMIT is way way way more valuable than people give it credit for. Cheers. Stephen

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