BITCOIN: When I first called +$1,000,000 BITCOIN a while ago, some said I was totally crazy, some said I was a genius..!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

BITCOIN = +$1,000,000?

I was just scanning my twitter feed earlier and I came across this I just had to share.

A while ago I made a call on BITCOIN and said it had a LIMITLESS TARGET.

At the time I was questioned repeatedly, what did I mean by, "a limitless target"..??

For me, it is very simple.

With BITCOIN capped at 21,000,000 coins my target for Bitcoin starts at +$1,000,000..!!

Some say I am crazy, some say I am a genius.

All I can say is that Mathematics and +30 years experience in: Finance, Construction, Heavy Engineering, Investments and Systems tells me I know I am right..!!

Looks like I am not the only one..!!

Thanks for reading.



Max is running a poll on it..!!


And what are fundamentals for that? Less than 3 global retailers allow you to pay in bitcoin down from 5 last year. I would not put even one cent into bitcoin. But so far market has proven me wrong. Let's see of the future. :)

Why such a low number? Quite simple answer, nobody wants to spend their bitcoins. Why would you want to spend something that will appreciate over the time. For that we have fiat.... For me bitcoin will be store of value. 1mil? Hmmmm, that sounds very nice but nobody knows, things change rapidly and on daily basis.....

Why does it matter to you, how many retailers accept BTC?


With all the respect, I think your understanding of cryptos is far far away from WHAT THEM REALLY ARE

Bitcoin's ( or crypto's in general) main purpose , and power is NOT in it's usage to retail payments.

I always remember Andreas Antonopoulos phrase:

If I could rename Bitcoin, I probably would name it TRUSTNET

If huge names are predicting it can get in the millions it may be a good idea to invest now when it is cheap.
This is the only time most people are going to have to invest at these great prices so no one should waste this opportunity.
Cryptocurrencies are the future.

I certainly hope your right! It is def possible I know that.

Shared on twitter. Stephen

I feel like this is way too high of a prediction but who knows. But seriously half a million is way too high. At this price it would become profitable to mine it with a calculator, sort of.

I consider you a genius. Just for the record. Your call for steem going to $2.80 was spot on so I have faith for BTC reaching those highs in the future. Keep up the good work. :)

Today's price actions confirms that the scaling debate is going smoothly. I wouldn't be surprised if the solution ends up being extremely positive for bitcoin!

This is a great post, @stephenkendal . Found it minutes after I wrote similar thoughts on my own wall.

My hat is off for this man John McAfee. For his passion and braveness.
3 years.... mind blowing....

My huge huge respect to you, mr. John McAfee.

I saw someone on Steemit state when BTC is $1MM then a Satoshi is worth a penny. A million would be a great start to all of this.

I. Can. Wait. Is. All. I can say!!!!! (falsetto)

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