Today in Bitcoin - Admin Arrested

in #bitcoin7 years ago

we've got breaking news for you right

now a man was arrested in Greece with a

connection to BTC - II

but that's only where the story starts

chain analysis claims that they have

uncovered the 750 thousand missing mount

GOx coins and where did they find them

according to Wiz SEC Bitcoin security

specialists they may have found the 750

stolen mount GOx coins in the possession

of the man who was just arrested in

Greece that's right according to chain

analysis and whiz SEC Bitcoin security

the Mount cocks coins were stolen

laundered through BTC - II and perhaps

all controlled by one man allegedly

Alexander Vinick 38 years old allegedly

had four billion USD in his possession

according to the chart provided by Wiz

SEC Bitcoin security they can see the

cash flow not only from the mount GOx

hack but also from the Bitcoin Akash

several other earlier hacks bit floor

was also mentioned we can see the funds

flow into BTC - II where they were

converted into money codes or cash and

then laundered outwards we're looking at

an estimated it could be as high as four

billion dollars USD this would be the

largest hack presumably in history the

largest hack in Bitcoin and as you have

seen it presumably has taken down the

BTC - a exchange who is presumably under

threat for money laundering a lot of

money laundering as we've said this news

is breaking we're relying on articles

from coin desk and others there's more

news that we're going to learn about

this and we're going to keep following

this in the coming days

but we just wanted to go live to let you

know that a man has been arrested

allegedly he has the Mount Gok stolen

bitcoins are at one time controlled them

we can see the path of the stolen

bitcoins being laundered through the BTC

exchange allegedly and we now have the

BTC a reason for the BTC exchange

shutting down so this is exciting

breaking news and for more on the price

and how this will affect things we're

going to go over two-tone vase on the

tone vase channel the links down below

in the description we put it in the chat

it's on Twitter so check it out thanks

for watching at about a hundred and

sixty live viewers of every week it

gives a thumbs up and a share we just

wanted to break this news and keep you

informed and as always if you want to

throw us a couple bitcoins maybe you

just got four billion dollars in USD

sent to your account.

thanks so much....

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 66620.20
ETH 3494.63
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72