Uber picks Bitcoin friendly CEO, Whats stopping Bitcoin adoption?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The former head of Expedia Dara Khosrowshahi has been selected to replace Travis Kalanick as Uber CEO. Kalanick resigned after a shareholder revolt. Dara Khosrowshahi is a Brown University graduate and was the highest paid CEO out of all S&P 500 companies, with compensation totaling $94 million in 2015. Under Daras's leadership Expedia began accepting Bitcoin in June of 2014.


In 2015 Dara personally invested an undisclosed amount in the $116 million, series b funding for 21 Incorporated. 21 incorporated apparently builds "Bitcoin computers" using rasberry pi's? heres a link:


Considering the first "mainstream" coverage of Bitcoin didn't really happen until 2013 i'd say adoption is really snowballing now. Big names like New Egg and Overstock.com accept Bitcoin. Theres a 6500 signature petition on change.org for Amazon to accept Bitcoin (funnier more than interesting)


Casinos to convienience stores, ever more businesses of all sizes are waking up to the benefits of accepting Bitcoin. This lends to Bitcoins validity/trustworthiness in the eyes of lawmakers and world at large. But is acceptance and by extension, regulation, happening as fast as we would like? I think Cointelegraphs infographic gives us a peek at some of the hurdles :


Maybe its the barrier to entry and ease of use, Maybe it is a public relations and misconception issue. Wanna cry ransomware and stories about dark secret markets make headlines. How many times has the topic of Bitcoin been brought up only to be shot down by doubters calling it everything from a scam to a fad?



I gave up on trying to tell people about cryptos. So many haters and doubters even if you show them proof. I'll be sitting pretty in 5 years and they will still be working a dead end job. Great post @squatee :)

Very interesting, thank you!

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