Crypto Promos Growing In ‘Eerie’ Ways: Use IRA to Buy BTC? & U.S. Govt Joining BlockChain Train? Hmmmmm….

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

FEDCOIN? Ever heard of that one? That's the name of the coin to be offered by the U.S. govt, if all things pan out as planned... DYR….

I love hypotheticals. After all, that’s how ‘significant’ results are obtained. Recently, I heard one such ‘prediction/guess’ that kept my attention for nearly an hour. That’s pretty good; even though about 3/4's of the way in I realized it was a push to BUY GOLD and SILVER coins. I guess I should have known when Ron Paul’s name surfaced within minutes of the video.

The guy being interviewed in the video is anti crypto; but, big on WS speculations. Personally, I don’t see a difference.

To save yourself some precious time, I’ll share a few takeaways:

  • BTC is ‘the bad guy.’

  • Blockchains will be owned by the FEDS; in fact, already are.

  • There’s a new coin to be ‘offered’ by the government: FEDCOIN which will replace the use of US currency; primarily the loveable $100 bill.

There’s more. If you’re in for a sales pitch at the end, to buy gold coins, tune in. But, long story short, DYR.

Imho, his recommendations aren’t very wise, in that he suggests ‘stashing’ thousands in cash, primarily 10's and 20's; and as mentioned, gold and silver coins.

That sounds good; but, imagine stuff htf, and you bounce to the grocery store presenting your coins at checkout. Imagine the chaos against you. We’ve all heard that ‘desperate times will call for desperate measures’.

While he did say some things which theoretically make sense; he mentioned something that makes me realize why ‘truthers’ are stockpiling weapons paid for with cash. I presume it’s so no one will know who has what and how much.

Personally, I believe that when that sobering day comes, it will involve people having to resist the chip, aka mark/number of the beast. Of course, people will attempt a workaround. While they may not take the mark directly, they will buy and sell from those who do. (Revelation 13:17). At this time, I'm sure included in the 'bar code' will be the identifying numbers 666.

These are indeed interesting times. But, I’m sure many said that in 1929.

Take care. DYR. ‘Invest’ wisely.

But, imho, if my dreams have any credence, the next collapse will include, as most collapses, a world war; but, this time on a scale most have never seen.

As I concluded this post, I heard something VERY scary and disturbing. Bitcoin is now targeting retirement accounts. I say targeting; because, well, I think you know how much confidence I have in crypto of late. As proof , here’ s the link which popped up as an ad on YouTube……With over 1M views, it's obviously an attention grab.

Bitcoin IRA Ad

Smh…I’m more convinced than ever that BTC is owned by the FEDS. After all, why are they not pushing back against 'anonymity'? Really? RME…

Do I own any BTC? Ughm, a bit; but, strictly thanking God for Steemit; otherwise the answer would be no…not a dime from my bank account. After a year in crypto, and all I’ve seen, and continue to see, this shall remain. If something of my view changes, I will be the first to acknowledge.

Lastly, I just noticed that Coinmarketcap is now using cookies…Just another hint that ‘somebody’s watching you’…Think 1984…lol…Just kidding…lol…hmmmmmmmmmmmmm……

NOTE: This post was written before my ‘lightbulb moment’. No changes were made to adjust my thoughts. Right click the post in a new window to read about this ‘lightbulb’’ moment:

BTC’s Real Value In Blockchain Development

Btw, here’s the video. Remember it ends up being a sales pitch for buying gold and silver.

Eerie Take on FED’s Plans For Blockchain Technology


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