BTC/USD - Possible Updated Pathways. 28/3/18

in #bitcoin6 years ago


Sah dudes, BTC still playing with fire.

had a nice bounce off $7,741 which if we are not to retest will count as a bounce near our $7,700 targeted bounce region.

However can see a retest occurring shortly, so if we are watch for a break. As a break down could get messy fast.

Break below $7,700 - $7,600 could result in a test of $7,300 and a massive sell of to our lower low so plz be careful.

Heres that chart:

Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 9.34.10 am.png

can also see a nice Descending Triangle forming, if this is the case will we see a 5th wave? or breakout early.
This 5th wave could land between $7,700 - $7,600 . But still a very scary position.

Heres how thats looking:

Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 9.42.26 am.png

Overall i still believe we are running a lil inverted H&S combo which we have seen before in BTC.

So really this price movement is just forming the right shoulder.

However i am close to invalidating the larger one as this Shoulder is lookin weird af. but lets see how price action goes.

heres how thats going:

Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 9.49.32 am.png

In order to stay bullish we need to get over 8k and hold.

lets hope supports hold and we stay juicy!

Legal Disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm not telling you to follow me or make investments based on this information, this is just my thoughts and ideas and what ill be following. Happy Trading!!

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