RE: The Ultimate Argument for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency
Krugman is a contrarian mouth-piece, whose job is to distract and deflect the true intentions of his masters. None of his forecasts regarding the economy or finance have materialized because his purpose is to lead the masses astray.
His masters, through the financial intermediaries, have already accumulated and staked significant proportion of the outstanding cryptocurrencies. ICE is launching its cryptocurrency exchange in November, the US SEC will likely approve, if they have not already done so, the Bitcoin ETF submitted by the CBOE. JP Morgan and similar institutions have working cryptocurrency investment divisions. Fully half of all outstanding Bitcoin is sequestered in 1% of wallets. EU is working with the CCP to implement the CCP pet project "City of Zion" using NEO platform, which is nothing more than CCP blockchain surveilance tool, along with Vechain, ONT, TKY, etc.
Blockchain publicly broadcasts all transactions, in an immutable blocks of digital chain. In the future, no transaction can be hidden from the omnipresent eyes of our masters. In guise of "freedom," blockchain seems to have cast its golden net of servitude. With public, immutable ledgerization of the resources, real estate, commerce, the "free" masses, the complete centralization of human society may be a possibility. The doggedly problematic aspect of central administration has always been accurate ledgerization of their resources. When every transaction is moved onto blockchain, our masters can do away with 90% of central bureaucratic expenditures, leaving more for enforcement and peacekeeping.
The potential for centralized control is indeed horrific if (or when) a transparent cryptocurrency blockchain becomes mandated for financial transactions. I very much see the attempt by the banking cartel to dominate the space, no doubt about it. A cashless society on the blockchain with Sesame Credit style surveillance and control is the genocidal wet dream of totalitarians everywhere.
Your point is well taken and one I have considered previously, but for the purposes of this post, I limited the focus. At the very least, the belief cryptocurrency can advance the cause for freedom remains a tenable argument for the idea of a tether, even if the reality is immensely more complex. I agree completely that Krugman is a gatekeeper.
It will be interesting to see what happens with the privacy blockchains like Verge, Monero etc., as they will most certainly never win a government stamp of approval. It is a daunting task to design something that can free people from bankster enslavement and even if developed may be extinguished by force. Even then, the desire to break one's chains will remain... until we all become cyborg chickens, of course.
Our masters' hypocrisy will ensure the adoption of Monero, Verge, and similar platforms. Even totalitarian ruling clique need anonymity for discrete expenditures of covert nature, embezzlement, corruption, bribes, etc. Of course, unless granted previleges, average subjects would be forbidden from owning or transacting in anonymous currencies. It will be a two tiered legal enforcemeny, much like current "drug war," in which previleged elites can openly flout legal convention with minimal consequences, while the average subject will be prosecuted to the full extent of legal enforcement.
I see that as a viable scenario. I see the existence of a two-tiered legal system however as long since established fact. In fact, now I think of it, it is more like a three-tiered legal system at the global scale. When one considers that the BIS and its employees are subject to no nation state authority whatsoever, it becomes clear the money masters have long since made themselves untouchable by the law. Laws apparently are only meant for the slave classes. Among the slave classes, the politicians and oligarchs are subjected to fewer laws than the serfs.
I think it was Taibbi who said there are not enough drugs on earth to wrap one's mind around the crimes of BIS...