
Its so weird seeing all the drama on youtube in crypto... lol I actually have sort of been put of from it. Like i am watching less and less youtube videos as i did when i first entered the space. It all seems so childish. Also i get the feeling some of it is for nothing more than clicks. Like if you can get a few clicks for talking shit about another big names mistakes it will not only get you some new followers but your video will get views from the person you are attacking youtube following.... win win. IDK I think we all just need to get focused on the fundamentals of crypto. Like lambos and moons. hahaha JK. We do need to get back to the fundamentals though. Further technology, banking the unbanked. Creating cheaper and faster payment systems. Figuruing out supply chains better. building systems to deteur fraud, builing voting systems to avoid corruption electoral races, etc..... my two cents anyway.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 62151.48
ETH 2421.34
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.57