Bitcoin News on Peru Israel Palestine South America InkaPay ICE3X Palestinian pound

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hi guys. My name is Nick, and welcome to Sobuka news. This channel focuses on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news in other parts of the world that include Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. I recently re-branded my YouTube channel, Sobuka, to start covering parts of the world that is not talked about in the west with respect to Bitcoin. The areas of my focus for my channel is Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Today I want to go over three articles. The first article is from Coin Telegraph Dot Com titled “Incas, Gold and Bitcoin. Story of InkaPay, South American Blockchain Platform for People”. This article was published on Nov 6th of last year. The second article I will go over comes from South Africa. The article is titled “I tested South Africa’s First Ethereum Exchange”. And the last article comes from an Israeli news source. The title of that article is called “With No Currency of Their Own, Palestinians Eye Bitcoin as Alternative to Israeli Cash”.


So going over the first article, BitInka, a Bitcoin exchange based out in Peru is where folks can buy and sell Bitcoin. It's seen a 44% growth in its business this past year and now it plans to launch an app called InkaPay. Supposedly this article said the app should have launched already but there is still rumor on feature expansions within the app going into September of this year and the last time I checked, the app is definitely not on the App Store. The Perun exchange currently allows people to buy and sell Bitcoin using their own local currency. The new additions to the app also allows for credit card purchases of Bitcoin. The exchange currently supports 10 different currencies. The country BitInka supports include includes Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Chile, China, Spain, México, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. The founder of the company is Roger Benites, with educational background in international business and engineering along with management positions from various financial industries. So the current trend I am noticing from all the foreign Bitcoin exchange videos that I have done is how they are experiencing a lot of growth in their business this year which is definitely bullish for Bitcoin. If you guys have any questions or comments on this exchange, please feel free to put it below in the comments section and I’ll reply back to it.

The second news I want to go over comes from South Africa. ICE3X is the first South African exchange to include buy and sell ETH tokens with the South African currency, the Rand. It was recently included on its index this past June. The exchange currently supports Bitcoin and LiteCoin. This now gives South Africans the ability to diversify into another cryptocurrency. The founder of the company is Gareth Grobler. He is a digital expert and speaker in cryptocurrency and with 14 years experience in IT infrastructure and architecture development.

Next news is headlines from Haaretz, an Israeli based media company mentions how Palestinians are looking into their own alternative to Israeli cash. Palestinian officials are planning for their region to have their own digital-only currency within five years. The purpose is to safeguard them against potential Israeli interference, the head of Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA) told Reuters. The Palestinians supposedly have no currency of their own. The article comments that the Palestinians currently use the dollar, Israeli shekel, and the Jordanian dinar for daily transactions.

But with limited control over money supply and ultimately, inflation, “authorities are mulling a bitcoin-style solution.” They would love to coin this bitcoin type currency, the Palestinian pound. The EBRD which starts for European Bank of Reconstruction and Development said during a meeting it would start investing in West Bank and Gaza via donations. However this pound talk is a long way off and nothing is planned yet. Though Palestine does have a recognized central bank, it does not have the power to print and issue currency. All that work would have to pass through Israeli authorities. On further note, other countries are considering their own digital currency. Sweden’s central bank has said it may launch an e-currency as the use of its cash declines and low interest rates tempt citizens to hoard money.

Please comment below on what you guys think about what is going on internationally. I will try my best to get back to your comments!!!



South Africa

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