[0220] Orvium: A Blockchain for Scientific, Peer Review

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

If you have ever published anything, even semi-professionally, you would know the intense process that your article goes through before it is published.

I've published papers in conference journals and magazines before and the process is not as easy as banging on a keyboard and then pressing 'print'. Edits, revisions, word counts, dead lines and even legal issues all play into your creative work and need to be factored for when creating your inspired work.

Professional writing is not easy. It's a tough process and often involves many revisions before the final product gets published.

This is why I like blogging because you can type wurds any way you lyke and no one will pick you up on it. Except for the Steemit spam bot that corrects all of my articles and is plain annoying.

Publishing in a professional journal or writing the next New York Times best selling novel is very different from blah, blah, blogging. It's vastly different in terms of the skill needed. Anyone can blog ( look at me ) but very few people can actually write.

But, if you thought professional writing or journalism were the big leagues, think again.

On an entirely different level from publishing a print novel is the world of academia. Publishing in a peer reviewed, scientific journal is at the extreme end of the spectrum as the rules are super strict. And high grade. You not only have to be able to communicate an abstract or new idea in text, you have to be accurate in your findings. Lest your career and reputation be ruined.

Science is one tough gig.

Often papers aren't published for years after you have completed your thesis. If it is published at all. So authors can't expect to get rich over night even if they do come up with a cure for cancer. Tests, studies, peer review, trolling, funding issues, legal issues, government approval and a host of other hurdles await any budding genius from making a difference in the world.

I take my hat off to anyone who works in the scientific, academic and the echelons of higher thinking.

As a result, I take my hat off to #Orvium. A blockchain start up that has taken on the task of streamlining the academic and scientific publishing process. Boy, have they bitten off a big task for themselves.

As mentioned, creating a blockchain that manages the publishing rights for books, movies or photos is one thing. But creating a blockchain that manages the additional needs of academia is another.


Orvium are targeting universities, institutes and research centres and are basically building a 'peer review platform' that publishes work to the blockchain where it can be read, assessed, reassessed and revised multiple times. As the CEO of Orvium said in a recent interview on @TheCryptoLark, the aim is to create a 'living work on the blockchain' that can be sculpted over time with new research findings, thereby keeping a research paper evolving and relevant.

This is one benefit that the blockchain will bring. Other than the basic right of ownership and publishing rights that you would expect of a blockchain.

Personally, I can't imagine where you would start in building such a blockchain. The task of creating a secure, pro level publishing platform that integrates with the top research facilities is one tall order. So it's not surprising to see that Orvium have a football team of advisors from the world of science and academia on their side.


When you dive into the proposal for Orvium, there are some interesting features and spin offs that will have a big impact on society.

The first of which is actually involving society - you and me - in the process of research and development. Having the ability to publicly vote on a science project is a big shift in the current paradigm. So, for example, we may be able to fund the research of better solar panels to power the world and thus shift the debate from 'Bitcoin is a waste of energy' to 'why the hell are we still using fossil fuels'?

The idea to crowd source funding for science is a game changer when you think about the implications.

For researchers there are big benefits, first of which is 'zero day' ( no wait ) publishing so authors can gain recognition as they work on their thesis. Couple this with their patronage model whereby token holders can fund / support a scientific research project. Which is good for researchers who seek funding but also for the public who can drive innovation in directions they think are worthwhile.

Interestingly, Orvium are allocating 10% of their ICO for public blockchain research & development in an effort to improve blockchain tech for everyone. Which is both a great idea and a genius marketing approach.

Orvium is a big idea. As so much of research and development is done behind closed doors, its hard to see just how important a project like this is. And how ambitious.

R&D is not something that the public thinks about. All we think about is the release date of the next iPhone, for example. We are so used to think in terms of the end product. Not the 99 steps that product went through to get in our hands.

Website - https://orvium.io/
Telegram - https://t.me/orvium
Whitepaper - https://orvium.docsend.com/view/nvr6ywj
Announcements on Bitcoin Talk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3535259.0

Thanks for watching,

Brendan Rohan - Indie developer of 'next gen' natural medicine from Melbourne, Australia

Www.Skyflowers.co ( see "botany" tab for the plant research )
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If you support natural medicine and an independent research project that began in 1997, then steem me. The creds I get will help me provide a solid body of information that future generations can build upon.

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Hi @skyflowers, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I found out that @iskyflowers doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?

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