[0213] Spotting 'Consumer Trends' in Cryptocurrency for Investment Gains

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)


If the screenshot above doesn't scream 'buy this coin', I don't know what does! But we will get to that later. Let's begin with a bit of history.

The Crypto Market

When Bitcoin first came out, a small handful of nerds mined it on their laptops. They didn't buy it. They created it out of thin air.

Later on, when Bitcoin caught the attention of more nerds, coin exchanges were set up and nerds either mined it or paid for it with real money.

Later still, other coins like Ethereum were created. Crypto was bought and sold regularly by more people who were in denial that they were nerds.

Which is pretty much where we are today.

We are in the days before 'mass adoption' and widespread use of cryptocurrencies when only a small minority of early adopters have taken up the sport.

Where Now?

So where will things go to from here? That's the burning question.

The reason why I ask this question is because if you are a serious investor, that's a question you should be asking. The ability to spot trends ( and new markets ) before they become popular is what the game is all about.

Anyone can flip a coin for short term profit. But playing the long game is another thing entirely. Personally, I wonder how many of todays crypto investors still be holding bags of money in 10 or 20 years time? That would imply smart, long term decisions and strategies.

But that's another blog post. This one is about buying trends.

If you follow the path from where we were back in 2009 when Bitcoin first started... to where we are now... you can fairly accurately predict where we will be in the next few years. If you expand on the idea, it's pretty easy to see where things will head.

The point is that the crypto market will evolve. It will change as the technology evolves and will present new investment opportunities as time goes by.

When Popular?

While most crypto pundits talk about 'mass adoption', they never really drill down into the ramifications of what it actually means for investors looking for sweet gains.

What are the opportunities? Where are the gains to be made?

One current example is the worldwide release of the #Ethos universal wallet. Just today, at the time of writing, the app went live in the USA.

That's a big deal.

Currently Ethos is grossly undervalued for what the platform actually is. The universal wallet is one thing but Ethos, when you drill down into what they are creating, is a triple digit coin. Without breaking a sweat.

#Bedrock, the platform they are building, will be the platform that institutions ( big money ) will build on and hook into the Ethos wallet. The wallet itself is a consumer product and is just the tip of the iceberg. What's below the water are the tools for banks, financial institutions, etc to plug into that framework as well as the regulatory and legal requirements that 99% of other projects don't have.

In short, Ethos is a titan and is selling for buttons at the moment.

The reason I make mention of Ethos is because this coin is one that has so much investment goodness, that it can't be ignored in your portfolio. Especially when it will be a driver of mass adoption.

Ethos's universal wallet will be a key entry point into the world of crypto for many people. It just will be. It's obvious.

As I have blogged about before, invest in the 'railways and freight infrastructure' of the crypto world. The arteries. The arterials that will carry money into, around and out of the crypto world. Therefore, coins like Ethos are a solid bet.


Right now, coin exchanges are the only real way to buy crypto. But that will change.

So where else would you buy crypto?

As I have written about previously, it's more about where will people obtain crypto rather than where they will trade it. Coin exchanges is old thinking.

  1. Computer games will be where kids will obtain crypto.
  2. Teens will obtain crypto via messaging apps and social media incentive schemes.
  3. Working age adults will obtain their crypto ( and pay checks ) via apps like Ethos.
  4. Retirement age people will obtain crypto from their bank or hedge fund.

The point is that coin exchanges are big now and are good places to bet on. But there are other pathways to mass adoption to look at.

My Coin Picks

So what do I look for? Here are my 3 top interests.

  1. Coin exchanges & hedge funds that offer dividends.
  2. Computer games because of the huge market for micro-transactions. My gaming addiction forces me to invest here.
  3. Coins from established companies that are expanding their product line ( as opposed to starting a product line ) like #PayBlok.

( *Also Crypto-Hedge Funds like #Apis. This is where your average person will obtain their crypto. In pre-packaged portfolios that mix traditional stocks, bonds and crypto into the one basket. As many offer staking rewards, that is a very attractive offer if you're a HODL'er of their coin. )

Speaking fo Hedge Funds

Traditional banks will offer 'risk free' bitcoin accounts that will basically be a hedge fund of the top 5 performing crypto coins. 'Dumbed down' and simplified for people who want some exposure to crypto as an investment.

My thinking is that when Bitcoin becomes the norm and achieves 'mass adoption', people won't buy it via a coin exchange. Not directly. Banks, hedge funds and financial brokers will handle that for them.

The average person will obtain their bitcoin portfolio through their local bank branch. Or for the more tech savvy, via the services of apps like Ethos or Apis.

The Moral

Look for where the market is moving to, not where it currently is. Crypto is moving into the mass market. It is not there yet, which is great because it means you can set yourself up with a great portfolio. And you have plenty of time on your side.

Thanks for watching,

Brendan Rohan - Indie developer of 'next gen' natural medicine from Melbourne, Australia

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DISCLAIMER: This article and all information on this channel & all content is offered purely for educational & entertainment purposes. Always do your own research when investing money and seek the help of a registered financial advisor.


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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63362.14
ETH 2592.64
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80