[0206] BitScreener: A Contender for "Best Crypto Tracker for 2018"

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)


Up until now, I've been using 3 or 4 crypto websites to track price action. While I'd prefer to just use one, no single website covers everything you need. There's always something missing. So you're forced to jump to different websites to get a picture of the crypto markets.

On top of this, I've been using a mobile app when I'm on the go. The app in question has been super faithful so I have been super faithful to it.

So, in a nutshell, I have been using about 5 different platforms to make sense of the coin markets.

... But this may ( hopefully ) end! I have come across a real contender for 'best crypto tracker for 2018'. A platform called #BitScreener.


Where do I begin? There is so much to touch on here.

The fact that I don't know where to start says a lot. I have road tested hundreds of apps in my time and provided feedback to the developers for many of them. I've roadtested apps that have only just been born out of alpha builds and so I rarely get surprised by the feature set of a new app.

BitScreener surprised me on several fronts.


The main selling point of BitScreener is that it pulls data from a massive 120 coin exchanges. This feature alone is worth stopping to take a look. I.e. The more exchanges, the better accuracy of average price. The better you are able to track movement also.

Most coin trackers pull data from the top 10 or 20 exchanges, at most. Thereby missing the broader market. That's a lot of data being ignored. Given that every exchange has an API, it is a sin to not add them into a crypto tracker.

One benefit of the huge library of exchanges is that BitScreener shows you the best exchange to buy or sell a coin. Listing the price of BTC on all of the different exchanges it is traded on. In the one list. This is a huge deal when trading or taking profits.

The interface of BitScreener reminds me of my current, much beloved coin website that I use. But unfortunately, it doesn't pull this much data so I am forced to give it up despite my emotional attachment. When faced with a website that offers data from 120 exchanges vs 20 or so, it's time to switch.

The graphics of BitScreener are smooth and tidy ( I.e. Not an eyesore ). Both the website and mobile app have the same look and feel. As opposed to being jarringly different like many platforms. A common design flaw that drives me nuts and is something I often giving feedback on to the devs.

In the case of BitScreener this isn't a problem.


So what else is unique?

Let's talk filters! BitScreener, as the name suggests, is all about 'screening' or filtering data. You can filter data in any number of ways - from the blockchain algorithm to the social media following - and create your own data set. Which is a handy thing as most apps force you to use hard coded charts that the developers thought up.

Which never quite match your own thinking.

Basically, BitScreener is going for the 'create your own crypto app' market which will appeal to more serious traders who like to custom-make their trading charts and tools. The amount of features and filters this early on in the project is impressive.


Another handy aspect of BitScreener is it's coverage of ICO's and coins not yet on the market yet. This was another hook that got me in as I am constantly looking at upcoming coins and can now look at them in the one interface alongside BTC, etc.

The ICO research tool is solid and provides links to websites, whitepapers and social channels. Which is handy. But the other plus is that it just presents you with the facts and has none of those 'reviews' posted by the teams uncle Charlie, aunt Bethel, their dog, cat and 6 other relatives.

I love researching ICO's but always skip the reviews.

As you can see at the top of the screenshot above, the filtering for BitScreener is comprehensive for a new app. And I am guessing more data sets and charting tools will be added to over time.


The BitScreener public ICO is coming up in 6 days but by the looks, is 90% sold out already. Pointing to the fact that a lot of people other than myself think this project has legs.

Why I make mention of the ICO ( other than so you can get onboard if you so wish ) is that BitScreener already has a working platform, mobile apps and a 'minimum viable product' before they went to ICO. In my mind, this is a big tick. It points to a team that is devoted to creating a good product and is not devoted to cashing in on the hype of the crypto gold boom with an over-inflated ICO.

All in all, from what I have seen so far, BitScreener is a contender to replace my beloved coin trackers. Flicking them all for the one platform would be 'the holy grail' to me. And plenty of others who are tired of grabbing bits of information from multiple platforms.

I will kick the tires some more and properly road test BitScreener over the next few weeks. I can see this becoming my 'one stop shop' for crypto charts and I will let you know if it sticks.

Website - https://bitscreener.com
Apps - https://bitscreener.app.link/nbhtdBYr6N
Facebook - 2815 likes - https://www.facebook.com/bitscreenercom/
Twitter - 5471 followers - https://twitter.com/BitScreener
Telegram - 5951 members - https://t.me/bitscreener

Thanks for watching,

Brendan Rohan - Indie developer of 'next gen' natural medicine from Melbourne, Australia

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DISCLAIMER: This article and all information on this channel & all content is offered purely for educational & entertainment purposes. Always do your own research when investing money and seek the help of a registered financial advisor.

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