[0099] - Janus: Two Massive "Pump 'n Dumps" in the One Day

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


You've heard the cliche a million times. You've even seen evidence of it in the charts about some cryptocurrency "going to the moon". But have you even seen it happen right in front of your eyes?

The other day, I experienced a 'moonshot' when #PACcoin shot up by 899% in the day. While that was awesome, today, I had a close encounter of the 3rd kind with a crypto.

The thing nearly hit me in the head on it's way past to the up-place it was going.

I was sitting there looking at the live charts on my iPad and right before my eyes, #Janus went from 10c AUD to $15.05 AUD. The thing went up 8,000% in a split second and even rose to $16.02 AUD, remaining at that level for 2 hours before it settled back to the paltry $11 range. Which is still up 6,375%.

Someone out there will be happy next time they look at their portfolio.

I literally saw the thing explode, live. While I don't have any money in #Janus or know what the coin is used for, it was exciting to see a crypto explode. It gives one hope for other coins to go pop. Particularly the ones I have a thousand of.

Now, I know what you're thinking. You feel lucky, right? What do you do? You sell right? You dump and take profits. Well, that's what a whole bunch of people did and look what happened...

chart (1).jpeg

... The thing doubled. The first peak is the chart at the top of this post when #Janus went to $16 AUD. The second peak just a few hours later is when it went to $28 AUD. Up from just .10c the day before.

But that's not where the story ends.

chart (2).jpeg

So, if you owned #Janus and it went from .10c to $16.02 ( pumped )... then sold ( dumped )... bought again later that day at around $1 AUD... rode the wave to $28 ( pumped )... And then sold again ( dumped )... And bought in again at 17c.

Well, you made a small fortune in one day. Given that you navigated the two pumps and dumps. They say cryptocurrencies are a volatile market but this takes the cake.

[Notice: This post is not financial advice but it is an invitation for you to upvote me with Steem.]

Thanks for watching,

Brendan Rohan - Indie developer of 'next gen' natural medicine from Melbourne, Australia

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If you support natural medicine and an independent research project that began in 1997, then steem me. The creds I get will help me provide a solid body of information that future generations can build upon.

DISCLAIMER: This article is written by an amateur investor and is offered purely for information purposes. This is not financial advice and you should always seek the advice of a finance professional.


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