Economic Turmoil and the rise of Bitcoin and Privacy Coins

in #bitcoin4 years ago

Bitcoin was born out of a financial crisis.

For a lot of the people who weren’t there during the early days of bitcoin, it may not be as viscerally real to them why bitcoin created so many impassioned supporters, but Bitcoin was released when there was a huge amount of money being printed by the FED and corporations being bailed out. People were angry, and were so excited to see a money that couldn't be controlled by anyone.

Right now we're in the midst of another financial crisis, and newcomers are experiencing firsthand the conditions that led to the initial, massive grassroots movement around Bitcoin.

It's time for more people to rally around money that exists outside of traditional finance, and we need to rekindle the cypherpunk fervor about privacy, in particular private money. Money is being tracked more than ever before, and privacy plays a more crucial role in money than many realise.

I chatted to Grin developer David Burkett about the beginnings of MimbleWimble, how it compares to other privacy coins, and why private cash is an essential part of a free society.

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 66945.54
ETH 3515.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71