
sorry for the bad formatting but I pulled it from there own site.
a list of every thing they say they have paid out in the last 100 days down to the last 2 minutes
as i said research it's easy

Here is the deposit I received in Binance

ok so you got back 0.005 btc and you sent them as i can understand 0.05 btc which if i understand is 1 10th of what you paid them so you have not recieved more than you put in as I stated they will only give back a percenage of what you send them and so as you try to with draw above the allowed return being avg of 10% they will stop sending it to you so you sent as of to days price $497.50 and they sent back $49.75 so you are down $447.80 good work.

I withdrew 0.005 Btc there is still 0.0463 BTC in earnings I can withdraw but am leaving in as it increases the earnings. Once my free account earnings are above the minimum to withdraw I will see if I can withdraw all of my earnings

No there is a set of numbers that pretend to be earnings and you can try and withdraw but as I have said and if you spent just 2 minutes and googled it you would see what I have told you is public knowlage you will never see that money again.
Sorry but you wont and no matter how much you keep trying to point out that your right and I'm wrong it will still end up being the same the money is gone move on and find a real way to earn bitcoin and not get taken in by scams.
I am sorry to have broken the bad news to you but if I hadn't you might have put more in thinking you was going to get rich when in fact the only person getting rich is the Italian who runs the company.
here I will do the searchs and post the google links below




need I go on.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62447.99
ETH 2513.51
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67