Interrupted equilibrium and cryptocurrencies

in #bitcoin7 years ago


The forest moss is a fascinating example of the theory of the cooperation of Dr. Margulis. When food abounds in the forest floor, the moss acts as a set of individual cells, each independent of its neighbors and engaged in its own tasks. But when food is scarce, these individuals "merge " into a collective entity, to become a corporate being that moves through the forest floor, following chaotic ways to survive.

According to the theory of chaos and fractal mathematics, the seemingly disordered forms of nature contain a very powerful concept called self-similarity, with which any system of nature can be described.

Normally evolution takes place at such a slow pace that it is not perceptible on a human time scale. The most suitable species for survival dominates the panorama. But sometimes something happens that biologists call "interrupted equilibrium". The medium suddenly changes, and the species that had been dominant disappear quickly and are replaced by others. Evolution makes a quantum leap and a new spontaneous ordering begins.

For example, the armies of Julius Caesar and Napoleon operated 2000 years apart, but they were basically the same: both depended on carts and horses. Seventy years after Napoleon's death, steam trains could reach speeds of more than 70 km. per hour.


The feudal system that lasted 1000 years was quickly replaced by the advance of the bourgeoisie that ended in the industrial revolution and the most dynamic capitalism that ever existed, that of the nineteenth century. The invention of the machine gun and the airplane was decisive to end the First World War, and the radar and the atomic bomb to end the Second.

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It is interesting to analyze what happens between two periods separated by an interrupted equilibrium. In reality, the only thing that happens is that uncertainty reigns. The birth of a new order seems imminent. But can traditional models of analysis continue to be applied?

The blockchain and their buds, the cryptocurrencies, came to interrupt the equilibrium of more than two centuries of State Nation and banking systems based on indebtedness to exercise dominance through corrupt governments.

Understanding what is happening at this time, is there any other possibility than being a hodler?


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