
Hi, I like your post, it’s colorful, informative and engaging.

Thank you, I think the information should be available to everyone, but I hope my translations make sense in another language. I worry about ideas being lost in translation.

Do you mind if I translate this into hindi and Urdu?

You have my permission.

Your welcome. You are creating good content, so you should have good feedback and a large following.

I also like your intro post, I will model mine after that....

Thank you, that's very kind.

Your welcome. You are creating good content, so you should have good feedback and a large following.

OMG you posted in Japanese script, how novel an idea. Do you know Japanese or are you using a translator?
I think that’s really cool and useful.
A lot of people are coming Into cryptocurrency in Japan so I think this is a useful practice. I hope Korean Steemit users reward you for your efforts.

Thank you, I think the information should be available to everyone, but I hope my translations make sense in another language. I worry about ideas being lost in translation.

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