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RE: Proof-of-Work Coins will end in Communism

in #bitcoin8 years ago

This seems quite a negative take on things.
I am new to cryptocurrencies, but in my mind it is much easier to make 50 000 people angry enough to take to the streets and burn stuff than it is to get them to download modified software, set it all up and then carry out the attack.

Most internet access in 3rd world countries (in Africa anyway) is through mobile devices.

Granted this may change in the far future, but the skill level required to carry this out will remain high I think.

Interesting read though :)


It doesn't necessarly have to happen from Africa, it can happen from any developed world (who have more leftists as a % of population).

Like EU leftists or US leftists, they are more cunning than 3rld word leftists. However I just said that as an example.

Fair enough, I just cannot wrap my mind around how a person (or group) would get a significantly large number of people to carry this out.

Now planting software via a virus, that I can imagine happening.

"Hello there starving people from Ghana,Somalia,Congo,Liberia,Ethiopia, would you like to earn 10 virtual currencies that you can exchange for 1000$? All you need to do is just go to WEBSITE-A, and download this software, let it run, and when the synch finishes, you get automatically 10,000$ worth of coins ,that you can use to feed your 50 children, for a long long time, whatcha say?"

(no offense intended toward africans)

That is an insult to all Africans and racist in nature! I am disappointed and concerned that you can condescend so low and take to name calling, which I must say was premeditated because only few posts above, you asserted this was something for EU or US leftist, only to turn around to say African can't feed their countless number of children unless they take to stealing.
What an effrontery, I personally would have landed you a very hot slap if you were within reach , because you're a benefactor of the daylight robbery and rape that was colonialism and now it has swollen your head and given you wings to see yourself as rich and super human!

Hey there chill out, I just gave a hypothetical example there.

I would imagine EU or US leftist would do the same, in fact the probability of them doing this vs the probability of the Africans doing this is much higher.

This was not intended to insult africans, but rather to examine the reality that all people, mostly the leftist, that could pose this threat to POW systems.

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