in #bitcoin7 years ago

from SGT

With Wall Street's easily criminally-manipulated Bitcoin futures contracts officially launching Sunday night, all eyes are on Bitcoin and the crypto space. Will the master manipulators succeed in bringing the Bitcoin price down? The shorts are certainly foaming at the mouth, but Bitcoin is a 24/7/365 market and Clif High's data suggests that the Bitcoin futures experiment will be a dismal failure. With the market cap of the top 100 crypto currencies around $415 Billion US Dollars, the stakes couldn't be higher.

Frank Holmes the Chairman of HIVE Blockchain has placed a large portion of his bet on the cryptos. HIVE Blockchain is not only mining fresh coins, it's hoarding them for long term price appreciation. HIVE Blockchian Technologies trades on the OTC as PRELF.

Thank you for UPvoting.


I'm sorry, but your portfolio consists of hype-coins most of which barely survive next 3 years. Purely speculative.

Bitcoin is staying strong in night 1. I believe tomorrow will really be day 1 since people will be trading during business hours.

I believe Catherine Austin Fitts interview by Greg Hunter a couple of days ago is required viewing Sean.
For You & your viewers.

Catherine Austin Fitts says among other things that "....Bitcoin and Crypto-currencies [are] an OP(eration) and, It's a BIG ONE".....If there is any market in the World that's easy to manipulate, It's Crypto-currencies....".
Got that?
Let that sink in.
She explains thoroughly here:

Don't Miss THIS Interview.
"The maaasses are aaasses" -Stan C. Baltimore 1974

Excellent interview, X-! I fully agree with Catherine to a point. Cryptos are absolutely a setup that has been seeded and planned long term by the Powers That Shouldn't Be (PTSB). I also fully agree that the have very serious and well thought through plans in store to crash the existing cryptos and bring in global NWO government cryptos. Their ultimate plan for this is absolutely the Mark of the Beast chipping of everyone.

What I don't necessarily agree with is that the takeover of the current cryptos is already a done deal. Take gun control as an example. In a number of idiot-infested countries, they hand over their guns at the drop of a hat, but in the US that has not yet happened. Handing over cryptos will be a similar challenge in a number of places (likely also in places where people still have guns.) This may be more difficult than they think at this point. At least that is my hope..

I also don't necessarily agree that the crypto markets are the easiest to manipulate. I don't get this point. I get that they can pump and dump them as she mentions, but monetary metals are far easier to manipulate at the moment. Paper derivatives make this possible. This is not common in the crypto markets - at least not yet, and there quite a number of technical barriers for them to be successful with this in a 24/7, "real goods" market.

I would suggest a further insight on this topic. This video from Jeff Berwick touches upon a potential approach for takedown of "free" cryptos:

I think he's correct in his suggestion of what the PTSB will likely do to try to force people to give up their cryptos. There are other potential scenarios as well, but his scenario certainly makes sense.

I'm in agreement with your CAFitts evaluation.
Probably the best part of CAFitts' view is that the TPTB are behind Bitcoin (as Lynette Zang has shown the NSA documents from 1996(?) specifically the initial introduction of blockchain technology), as well as them making the sheeple-nerds do all of the development work for them with greed as the prime motivator.

TPTB will regardless, regulate/tax/seize assets/jail eventually when they're ready.
Most people are chickenshits; Big Talk, NO ACTION when challenged by TPTB.

Anyway, Greg Hunter & Catherine Austin Fitts really give folks "food for thought", which is the best thing with the interview.
Just Love It when I get to see 2 people using their Critical Thinking Skills.

Thanks for the Jeff Berwick link.
As he say's "By any measure, we are now at the most extreme time in history in money, finance, banking, equities, bonds, real estate and other sectors." ,
ZH-Zerohedge's story from yesterday says it all IMO,
"That's right: as of this moment it is official that bitcoin is now the biggest bubble in history, having surpassed the Tulip Mania of 1634-1637." :

I myself have been making some excellent deals in tangibles.
I'm extremely satisfied.
Let's just say they are from the 17th and 18th centuries.
And Beautiful too. ;)))

Best Regards X-

Bubble talk does not make sense. At the very least factor in the tulip bubble market place with global population and the total tulip supply then bitcoin has a long way to go.

Hi X-, check out my comment below on Hive's owner and connections to Pizzagate..

Will do soon.
It's -5C, snow now comin' and semi-dark with 6:05 minutes between sunrise and sundown.
I'll get back to you.

Hi Sean, thanks for the info on HIVE. The idea sounds like an interesting opportunity. It seems like a good way to capture some of the profits of mining without having to deal with all the challenges of researching, selecting, and buying mining contracts yourself.

On the downside, the fact they haven't touched LTC yet and are focused primarily on ETC surprises and concerns me as a potential investor. He simply referred to LTC as "other cryptos" - two times. He avoided that question as though he knew nothing about LTC or couldn't give a good reasons for not mining it yet. I found that very strange.

So I've done a bit more research on Hive and the key founders / owner is Frank Giustra. Frank Giustra is the also the founder / owner of: Lionsgate (the movie production company), the Fiore Group, and The Boy's Club Network. That may all sound fine until you have a listen to the video below on connections to Pizzagate:

Let's just say I won't be giving Hive any of my money..

I knew who Frank Guistra was.
A 1st-class slimeball connected to the HillBillies.
But I DIDN'T know he's a pedophile and most definitely that he's a key owner/founder of HIVE.

Looks like HIVE is more like HIV+E where the HIV will give your Aids and E stands for Evil or better yet E for Economics.

Great detective work there NewsandViews.

i wouldnt mind getting some of that cheap bitcoin

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