Who I Watch on YouTube for my Crypto Info Needs

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Do you keep up with Crypto on a current basis? Some YouTubers are a benefit to stay in on the know...

Today I wanted to write a little shout out style info sheet on the guys I tend to lean towards more steady watching on YouTube for my crypto information gathering needs. I will do my best to find you all links for their Steemit accounts if they are on here, if not I will provide their channels so you can check them out and subscribe if you view them of value like I do. I know there is thousands of crypto guys out there on YouTube, and I will occasionally create more articles like this in the future. Right now though these are my sort of top picks in no particular order. Enjoy and remember, the more info you gather and more reading you do on your investments will always benefit you in the long run.


World Crypto Network (SUBSCRIBE HERE)

World Crypto Network has been in the game for a very long time in Bitcoin years. They opened their channel on Feb 1, 2014 and fast became one of the most in depth places to get your Bitcoin and crypto knowledge. This channel host numerous shows, a personal favorite of mine is "The Bitcoin News Show" hosted by Vortex. This show really breaks down current Bitcoin happenings and other random altcoins now and then. Usually slam packed with great panelists of experts that break everything down so all can really get the info they need.

Another top show on this channel is "The Bitcoin Group" that is hosted by Thomas Hunt. This show boasts some of the best players in Bitcoin, very knowledgeable and educational built on a format that goes from current topics to current topics in depth. You can see the likes of Tone Vays, Jimmy Song of Bitcoin development and numerous others on this show. Highly recommended for keeping up with the state of Bitcoin.

To check out WORLD CRYPTO NETWORK click here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR9gdpWisRwnk_k23GsHfcA

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This is a great YouTuber that I have been following a long time now. He has leaned a lot lately towards Ethereum in his shows but rightfully so seeing that is a fast rising trading trend. He also tends to spice it up with a constant flow of finding projects out there unseen by many. A great place to get the current trends, tips, and sometimes just to kick back because Crypt0 keeps it real and just keeps it friendly by sharing pieces of his life. This is one of the rare YouTubers I have found that you can almost get a sense of a real human being behind the numbers. Highly recommend his work for the fact he just believes in his fans and keeps everyone close in a community fashion with his channel.

A shout out to Crypt0...bro keep them music videos in the mix, I am a musician and those rock too lol!!! Join his channel and you will find out that side to him as well, talented. His channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUSSt-IEUg2eq46rD7lu_g

Crypt0 is also here on Steemit if you would like to follow him, his profile is @crypt0

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Last but not least on our list for today is my homie BTCKYLE. BTCKYLE hasn't been posting a lot of videos lately, unsure if the New York trading laws has him out of the game in a more full time manner or he is just life busy but none the less someone I still would recommend because when he does post he does break crypto down well for the new traders and old. For a long time in crypto I didn't do the YouTube route to learn, just more or less reading online but I stumbled on BTCKYLE's work in my early stages of grasping crypto and must say this guy is the key reason I believe I stuck to crypto on a few levels. BTCKYLE is a very decent guy, comes through in his videos and for the tech nerds like myself, he does provide reviews on all kinds of tech world products. Do me a favor and slam by boy BTCKYLE some subscribes today....maybe we can get him out of hiding that way lol.

You can check his channel out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNCGCxxTT10aeTgUMHW5FfQ

I promise I don't watch just these three shows, I diversify but figured these guys done me a lot of good and deserved a write up today. I will put more of these together in the future and if you have a YouTube channel on crypto that I am not aware of, let me know in the comments and I will be down to check you out and toss you a review or shout out if I like your stuff.

Give these 3 channels a look if you find the time, and remember once again...educate yourself always before you invest.


Follow me @sflaherty


Thanks for this. There's a lot of good and equally bad youtubers doing crypto news at the moment. Problem is the bad ones don't really realise the damage they can do to people taking their advice too seriously.

I view financial commentators as important as any professional finance guy would be if you gave him a bunch of money to invest for you. I think the guys feeding the crypto info out there better be on the up and up and know what is going on in the scene, they have a lot of power to screw some people up. These 3 have been very professional so I tend to lean on them the most. I will try to post more of these, there are a ton of them I do trust past these

Thank You Steve... I follow Crypt0 and he's Good. Will check the other 2 that You mentioned.

Please check Your private messages on SBC... semi-important.

WoW... Congrats on 600+ Followers... I'm very Proud of You !!

Have a Good Weekend... Please give my Best to Your Family & Fiancee !!

Definitely give the other two a look. Its kind of shocking me that no one really knows WORLD CRYPTO NEWS though, hearing that a lot today, they are literally the first show to form up around crypto lol...but I guess as it grew they seemed to have been forgotten or something, big crowd though on it and well worth a more technical look at Bitcoin and other coins.

I will swing by there shortly, just been a hectic day for me but i will check that message as soon as I can. Have you a great weekend too my friend, thank you so much for all the help

You're welcome ALL=ways...

Have a GREAT Weekend !!

I follow CRYPT0 too he's great, i will checkout the other channels !!
great post !

Got a lot of love and respect for @crypt0 ....he keeps it real and informative but also includes his audience with an engaging approach you don't see much. BTCKYLE can be like that too...just doesn't post as often due to his day job I think but a good kid with some great knowledge...worth checking out even if its just older videos right now

I agree, I will !! thank you

nice bro, good information for user crypto :)

One of my favorites, figured its time to spread the word lol. Just followed you, plan to add more Youtubers in the future in more articles...couldn't fit all my favorites without it being a novel lol

good, you have channel youtube?
can give me your link
i'm youtubers from #aceh :)

Actually non myself...I thought about starting one as much as I have learned about crypto but just been so busy with other things that its hard to find the time. I will definitely check your channel out, always down to subscribe to more, I believe gathering info from all types of sources helps us make good decisions in crypto so I appreciate that link, about to check it out

@sflaherty - good info - may I also add @jerrybanfield - and I follow CryptO also

Of course you can add him, I was thinking of including him on my next one, I watch him as well but these 3 are more or less the ones I watched very early on so kind of linger back to them a lot....figured give them first shout outs lol. Crypt0 is a great commentator on crypto now a days....keeps it very real

I love these channels! I hope one day I can make it into someone's top 3 picks. It was Crypt0 that inspired me to make my own channel.

Just keep at it, these things always take time but post your link here for others to check out your stuff, cool with me and maybe if you keep spreading that word Crypt0 will be watching your stuff. These are my favorites but I watch a lot of them, guess i will randomly highlight some more in the future, I will include yours if you want in the next one...I am always down to help

Do check out ivanli as well. I think he's on steemit with same name! He posts everyday video from developer perspective of crypto currency in youtube!

Awesome heads up on that one, actually one I never seen before...I been looking for more techy dev level stuff because I am actually thinking about creating a token for my crowd in our slack for Steemit, something that pairs to Steem so to get more perspectives from a dev level would be huge. Thanks for that, gonna check it out

Man crypto and BTC Kyle were essential to getting me acclimated to trading and the bitcoin world! I've never heard of world crypto network, but I'll check it out thanks for the post! If you ever get into trading you should check out the chart guy's Introduction to structural analysis! here. It changed my life man haha. Great post!

BTC KYLE and Crypt0 did the same thing for me, great guys who really make it easy on everyone through real conversation. Actually I am a very old school trader myself, been into day trading since 1999 when it hit the old etrade circuit and now fiat free completely thank God lol. I do less trading now a days due to the crypto projects I been working in but I appreciate the video...always can learn new things and I will be sure to check that out when I get free soon

Oh wow that really cool! I just got into day trading, so I feel like I could learn a thing or two from you! Have you ever considered posting any trading tips on here? And yeah check them out when you get a chance, although I'm sure they are coving lessons you already know.

I plan on more trading styled articles, honestly getting back into the swing of things. I worked in PIVX the last few months so I been off the exchanges a lot due to that so trying to reup the info out there because the markets change so much. In crypto if you take a day off you lose base with what is what fast lol. I will though in the future. Did do a look at Minereum a few articles back, kind of a coin tip article if your curious.

Oh ok I gotcha, well I'll follow you so when you start posting I"ll be ready! And I'll check it out!

I will try to put something together soon...maybe even a few tips on Steemit growth and how to get your articles seen more...figuring out a few tricks along the way I might need to pass along. Either way I am always posting something lol....try to create a diverse topic format for everyone.

Thanks! I am actually ready to digest this info now, I think. So glad our paths crossed here. Hang in there bud.

These are great guys to listen to, wouldn't stare you wrong there. I will post more shout outs like this now and then, hunt down other shows for everyone that helps. Glad our paths crossed as well....working together will take us a long way in this community I believe

I dont know if you saw my post today, but I talk about exactly that. I stumbled on a site that tells you if your followers are actually following, or if theyve muted you or just unfollowed all together. It helps to see whats going on in your follow list. You might already know of it.

Funny I just found out about that site a few days ago...didn't see your post but I seen that. I found I have a few guys unfollowing and refollowing constantly on a day to day basis, trying to figure that one out lol

Maybe just to show high activity on their account? Im not going to worry too much about it, its just another tool in the ol toolbox. Figured you already knew lol. Have a great night!

Not sure I found it odd but maybe the system is showing that and not them lol. Its a great little tool though, its good to have a look at the dynamics going on you don't normally see up front. You have a great night my friend, gonna get some food myself here lol.

Hey don't forget @ladycryptic who has a channel, also @laurensouthern - nice to LQQK at a pretty face when the material is so dry haha

Never seen that one lol...but I will check it out now that you enlightened me

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