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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Morning Update: Classic Vintage Running Flat

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Many of us are of the opinion that we will see very soon, if we are not seeing it this time around, a run of both alts and btc in tandem from the start. Personally I am on the fence on this run, which lends to thinking it will revert back to the alts down, btc up, then go phasic together again. Although I will say that if that is the case, I think alts will only be down for a very short time before they start back up with btc. There is a tonnnn of money coming in, and people learning about all the markets. Coinbase is very backed up which is a good thing for money coming into the market. More money in, the more widespread the investments will become.

Previously, I would have said yes, the alts will certainly fall quite a bit before returning to phase with btc, but this is the closest we've seen to a full tandem run yet! It might happen this time, and if not, I think the next run after 5 waves up.


Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts! highly appreciated!
" More money in, the more widespread the investments will become"
It actually makes sense... More money flooding into crypto world can very likely alleviate the BTC-Alts pendulum syndrome !!!
So I think for now we'll have to wait for the real phasic run to happen before picking our long term investments..
I invested in LTC and it is having a hard time going up.. I still get annoyed when I am in a trade like this watching other coins explode and I am sitting there and waiting...
Patience is the key I guess...

Patience -- and, not using all your dry powder! :) In other words, try to keep a percentage "in reserve" and don't make trades with it -- that way, you'll be able to take advantage of quick moves, like the TRX yesterday -- I captured 60% of its movement, which is awesome for a couple hours.

I'm actually thinking that if BitConnect and similar competitors do this type of trading, then it is entirely possible that they aren't scams. Still, not trying them again!

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