What Crypto Currencies is all about. Hodling is freedom.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

This is something all of you need to think about. What is this really about? In my opinion it's about taking control of our own money.

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Banks are thieves and taxation IS theft

Do you trust banks? I don't. Have you all ready forgotten what happened in Cyprus in 2013? That's right. The Government just stole 33% of peoples money over 100,000 Euro. So if you were a sensible person, who had saved up money and let's be honest - 100,000 Euro isn't THAT much - 33% of that just gone. Banks and government just stole it to cover expenses of their fraudulent ways.

Isn't that the real reason we're into cryptos? All this talk about Lambos and Mooning..well, I think you all should calm down and think bigger. This is perhaps our ONLY chance to break free from the chains. We're always talking about how you shouldn't keep Bitcoin or Eth or any currency on the exchange - because then YOU ultimately don't control it. It's the exact same thing with banks. Keep your money in the bank, and you don't ultimately own it. The banks can freeze your account or even just take your money.

That's the reality of the world. I'm sorry. I know a lot of you thought that the world was run by adults. Sensible grown up, who knew what they were doing. But as you age yourself, you realize that that's not the case. The world is run by bullies, idiots and fraudsters - disguised as our childish idea of trust and knowledge, with their suits and fancy words.

So, when you sell your Bitcoin, Ethereum, Viacoin, Litecoin, Doge or whatever for Fiat currency, you are basically just selling some of your freedom for a shot of short term profit as a slave. And no, we don't want regulation or taxation. That's just the Stockholm syndrome talking. It's you hanging on for dear life to your oppressor, because that's what feels safe. It's just you talking automatically without thinking straight. It's just words put in your mouth.

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What hodling really is about

The interesting thing about this, is that this is about ideals and values. This is the first time in history where your investments is about taking sides. Freedom vs slavery. #HODL is more than just waiting for large profits. Hodling means freedom. Hodling means to never sell. It doesn't mean hodl 1000% and then trade for Fiat. It means, hodl 1000% and trade for another crypto currency. It means your money invested in cryptos/freedom will never leave your control.

The more money we put into Cryptos, the more freedom and control we gain. And we need the momentum. We, who were early need to stay true and show our dedication. Not start buying Ripple and losing faith just because the markets go down a little bit. It's not even about that on a bigger scale. It's just about hodling, and spreading the word. Help as many people as possible understand what this is.

This is actually the first time in history when we, the people, are educated and knowledgable enough, and have the tools needed, to break free from the tyranny of politicians and banks.I don't care if you identify as something as ridiculous as a "anarcho-communist"(a oxymoron) or an anarcho-capitalist

if we could all agree that banks/government = violence, and that we want freedom, which is the absence of violence - I couldn't care less what kind of society you want to organize - as long as participating is voluntary.

And to all you non-idealists who think it's impossible to break free..well, it's because of people like you it is going to be hard. It's what most people do that will make a change. We wouldn't even need a war this time. Just quietly ignoring the oppressors.

2018 will be the year we go over 1 trillion total mcap. It will be the year we will just sit still and watch the evil scumbags of the world, who has oppressed us for a thousand years try to claw their way out of the bathtub (thanks again for the analogy @deismac) while the water is increasing fast. And all you have to do is Hodl.


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I deeply believe that all currencies issued by a government makes you a slave of that government, be it because of taxation or inflation.

This comment has received a 22.52 % upvote from @kittybot thanks to: @discernente.

That's the reality of the world. I'm sorry. I know a lot of you thought that the world was run by adults. Sensible grown up, who knew what they were doing. But as you age yourself, you realize that that's not the case. The world is run by bullies, idiots and fraudsters - disguised as our childish idea of trust and knowledge, with their suits and fancy words.

Someone had to say what you said, and I consider it totally true. Except for the part of the 100,000 Euro, I do not have that amount haha.

Thanks brother! How old are you? I had 0 zero money 8 years ago. Believe me..continue grinding and hustling like youre 12 and playing diablo 2. Put in the effort, be on the lookout, take opportunities , and dont listen to what others have to say - except for your carefully chosen mentors. Youll get the money. But more importnantly, you learn how to get it. Theres no nagic trick. Just right decisions and hard work. Not even steem comes free ☝️

Thank you! Yes, in a couple of months I will be 22 years old, I hope to raise capital, and then decide if I'm going to invest it here in my country, or find a way to go to a non-socialist place with fewer regulations and where the right to private property is guaranteed. Until now, I had not been able to raise capital due to high inflation and monetary control that does not allow me to acquire a foreign currency. But thanks to cryptocurrencies I can now save, and earn a little more.

You're far ahead of your peers mate. They're stupid morons studying liberal arts and are probably in general clueless about what to do with their lives.I don't think I had your mindset until my late 20s. Just keep it up, and I'll garuantee you'll be successful in life.

Just don't Hodl Bitcoin because that sucker already is the bank!

The monopolization of mines has compromised Bitcoin. Mining just inst green either, its going to slowly become a dying breed i believe. We're up leaps and bounds with current block-chain tech

who isn't at this point?

hold my friends,, love u all

Group hug!

Yes, the leader of the banks has exploited the citizens and stolen their money in many, but that is the time we are now with the encrypted currency ahead of us

Awesome post. The reason why we invest in cryptos isn't about a small profit of 10k or 20k euros. The real reason we need to hodl the cryptos is because we believe in the change that cryptos can do to better our society from morally bankrupt people.

I believe in both. Moral good always benefit everyone except those who do evil. Change the world for the better and become rich in the process.

totally agree! Happy New Year Mr. Odin!


Anarcho-communist ? _ show me one of those, and I'll show someone with an IQ of less than 80, at exactly the same time...😂😂

Well..abour 70% of people in the crypto space are communists/collectivists. In the old world 90% are. Theres only 1 anarchism..and thats ancap. Laissez faire all the way.

How to invest in bitcoin.

Step #1 : buy bitcoin
Step #2 : wait 3-5 years
Step #3 : check the price

If you check the price during the 3-5 year waiting period, you are just adding unnecessary anxiety and drama to your life

Yeah. Show me the person doing that..personally i will have checked 776565445777 timesv

Nice way to invest in bitcoin.

I Love this Post @scandinavianlife You just Wrote everything I have felt since 9/11. I was a Licensed Stock Broker and On that morning when I came to work at my Desk at Charles Schwab all I could think about was how we got taken for a RIDE once again by the Scum.........I want things to change and I don't want to ever go back.........Happy New Year !

Thanks man! Change the world for the better AND become richer than youd ever be in the old world. Thats how we roll.👍

We need this type of energy circulating through the community more...it's the most important thing. Deep down in our bones we all need this ideology. It's our responsibility to help others come to these understandings and to keep the Point and Purpose of all this alive. Block-chain technology will set us free. Trust this process and lets learn to become a stronger humanity. #HODL

Absolutely 👍 thanks!

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