Bitcoin = Illuminati ?!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Illuminati. We all know what it is. We've heard a lot of times about them, what they are doing and what their goal is. One world order. One government, one currency and just so many people on earth that illumination can control them. Are the Illuminati standing behind bitcoin? It's one currency used by people all over the world. Why the bitcoin appeared, where this bitcoin is taking us, what will happen tomorrow? These are all questions that torture many of us and many of us would like to have answers. I know that many people do not believe in this, they do not believe in illuminates, but if you think about it, the facts are there. Example. What government would be the only one in the whole world, which government is currently controlling the whole world, war, peace, market etc. etc. I think we all know the answer to this question. The goal of Illuminati is to reduce the number of people on earth to be more easily controlled. What is the way to do this? War? Food? Medicine? Natural disasters? (if you did not know they can now control weather, just type Haarp in Google) Food is no longer natural, for example fruit, looks perfect, no worms in froots, it is bigger and different in shape and color. Medicine. Why do they make us vaccinate. Chips, why do they force us to put them in ourselves? Why are there more robots replacing people at factories? People are losing their jobs, the technology is everywhere, we have robots, self serving checkouts, cars without drivers. Why? Because it is a way to reduce the number of people on earth. A man without a job has no money, committed suicide because he can not support his family. Somebody becomes a criminal and begins to steal to survive, eventually he will be killed. Another person less on earth. Bitcoin? Where did it come from, why, why are they all crazy after him? For now we have no answer to this question, but sooner or later everything will be clearer. Well, I do not know. Maybe the Illuminati are not as bad as we think. Maybe it would be better if we have one government, one currency. However, we are all equal, we all live on one planet, many people speak same language and use the same things. I do not know. In one hand everything looks scary in the other hand everything looks better. Time will show everything. It's just up to us to take it while we can. Mine that bloody bitcoin and get rich.Mine it but do not destroy it. Peace out.


Definitely interesting article 100%sure about illuminati but i think BTC is out of their touch, i am sure that ethereum is what you pointing out and ripple...

BTC or ETH doesn't matter I think they are in this business.

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