比特幣 11月重要資訊 Bitcoin Hard Fork Information (English/Chinese)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Major Take Out: Explain coming Bitcoin chaos, important points that need to pay attentions.
(English Version in the middle of the page)



Hard Fork

所為Fork響程式員嘅世界係以一份程式碼為基礎,建立另一套發展唔同嘅程式。而Bitcoin世界內係指以原有Bitcoin (BTC) Bitcoin Core 嘅程式加以修改,令到新發展嘅網絡唔可以同現有嘅網絡兼容。新發展(Fork)出黎嘅加密幣雖然同原有嘅Bitcoin好相近,但有唔同運作定律,例如確定交易嘅計算容量,或者係計算嘅加密方式。而某啲改變係會有副作用,例如新Fork出黎嘅加密幣同原有嘅有使用嘅普及度唔同,價值就大大不同。

Soft Fork

雖然都係Fork,Soft Fork對Bitcoin黎講係類似加添功能嘅關係。由於Bitcoin係所有使用者共同運行嘅網絡,原則上係要所有使用者都要用相同功能嘅軟件去運行呢個網絡,如果有一個人冇運行加添左新功能嘅Bitcoin程式,咁個網絡就會出現問題,即Hard Fork。Soft Fork就係一種加添功能而又唔會影響到現有網絡運行嘅方法。即是現有嘅BTC網絡上用唔用新加嘅功能嘅使用者都可以連上同一網絡,即係你唔用新功能都可以同用梗新功能嘅使用者作Bitcoin嘅交易。當中8月尾啟動嘅SegWit就係一個Soft Fork,我地下面會講有關嘅資料。


由8月到11月尾,Bitcoin (Bitcoin Network) 有以下4種嘅轉變

  • Bitcoin Cash - Hard Fork (1st August 2017)
  • SegWit - Soft Fork(24th August 2017)
  • Bitcoin Gold - Hard Fork(25th October 2017)
  • SegWit2X - Hard Fork(Mid-Nov 2017)

Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash, 簡略單位為 BCC (中國)或 BCH(國際),花名係 Bcash。由 bitcoin.com 嘅Roger Ver, John Mcafee 同Bitmain嘅Jihan Wu牽頭嘅Hard Fork。佢地嘅理念係要將Bitcoin帶到世界上每一個人都用,令你去買杯咖啡都可以用到Bitcoin。背後嘅原因係Bitcoin嘅 確定交易嘅計算容量(Block Size)只得1MB,而有限嘅容量,加上每一個Block所指定嘅時間10分鐘所產生嘅效果,係所有即時交易都唔能夠響10分鐘內完成。根據Bitcoin嘅機制,呢個情況會令交易費用上升。無論你係轉送1美元價值嘅Bitcoin,定係10000美元嘅Bitcoin,你都要比接近10美元嘅費用先可以10分鐘內確定到交易。因為咁,Bitcoin Cash就設定左8MB嘅Block Size,如果你8月1日之前有Bitcoin (BTC),就會有相同數目嘅Bitcoin Cash。


SegWit係一個Soft Fork,由大部份Bitcoin Developer所選擇嘅容量升級方案。重點係佢用新嘅Bitcoin address format同時簡化原有交易所需要嘅資料。因為呢項簡化,響相同嘅Block Size下可以提升交易容量。實際Soft Fork之後,每一個Block係可以大過1MB,最高可達4MB。交易費用同時下降,因為交易費用嘅計算其實係基於交易資料嘅大細,每一個交易實際傳送嘅資料內容下降就令費用下降。到今日為止,已經有10%嘅Bitcoin交易係用SegWit。睇到呢度,你地應該會發覺,就算唔Hard Fork一個Bitcoin Cash出黎,交易費用高及容量唔夠嘅問題都因為SegWit而有所舒緩,實在冇必要有Bitcoin Cash。

Bitcoin Gold

Bitcoin Gold係一個Hard Fork,又叫BTCGPU,簡略單位為BTG。所改變嘅係加密方法更改至唔可以用專用ASIC晶片去做交易運算 - 改至只要普通有現代顯示卡嘅電腦就可以做交易運算。佢地認為現今Bitcoin嘅網絡都由ASIC晶片壟斷,不但運算所需嘅電費貴令大部份運算機器都放在中國電力平價的大西北,制造運行Bitcoin網絡嘅機器「掘壙機」大部份都係由中國Bitmain (Bitcoin Cash支持者)所制造同運作。呢個更改等如每一部擁有Display Card嘅電腦都可以加入運算網絡,長遠而言更可以達至Bitcoin原有分散計算網絡嘅原意。所有Bitcoin持有者響10月25日仍然持有Bitcoin,就自動於11月1日擁有Bitcoin Gold,條件係你要持有你自己嘅Private Key,即係你嘅Bitcoin要自己用錢包儲存,如果你嘅Bitcoin係放響交易所,咁都唔多有機會可以攞到Bitcoin Gold。


SegWit2X並唔係SegWit嘅加強版。SegWit2X係一個Hard Fork,由Bitcoin商界牽頭,包括 bitcoin.com 嘅Roger Ver, John Mcafee 同Bitmain嘅Jihan Wu(係,又係佢地),舊年閉門由絕大部份Bitcoin商業機構所簽定嘅升級協議,要求所有簽署者都要在指定時間運行2MB Block Size嘅Bitcoin Network。原意係所有商家都升級咁就「全世界都會升級啦」,但使用者同最重要嘅Developer係冇同意到。最受爭議嘅係4MB Block Size嘅SegWit Soft Fork可以響原有Bitcoin Network運作,又大容量啲,又已經用到冇問題,做乜要Hard Fork?

原來原本簽署嘅時候係有一個大前題,就係呢個升級只係適用響協議生效後只有一個Bitcoin Network嘅情況。但上文已經提到而家係有2個Bitcoin Network,再加上SegWit2X就會有3個,所以有好多簽署者都唔再支持呢個協議。

不幸嘅係好多重要嘅機構,例如BitPay、Bitmain同 bitcoin.com 都仍然係會將SegWit2X Network當成原有嘅BTC升級咁運行,運用上Bitcoin嘅名同簡略單位BTC。而呢個亦都係本文最重要嘅要點。呢個混亂期將會由11月中開始,所以亦都要有所應對。


Bitcoin Cash同SegWit都已經生效左,除非你8月1日嗰一日有Bitcoin而未claim Bitcoin Cash,你都冇乜野要注意。Bitcoin Gold就好簡單,由交易所攞番去你錢包就得,再等11月1日用番到時Bitcoin Gold所建議嘅方法申領就得。

SegWit2X就要留心到底你用梗嘅錢包係點去睇Bitcoin現時原有嘅Bitcoin (BTC)嘅Network 我地係叫Bitcoin Core (Bifinex叫佢做BT1)新嘅SegWit2X個Network係叫 BTC1 (Bifinex叫佢做BT2),支持者叫佢做Bitcoin BTC(bitcoin.com, BitPay)**,反對行SegWit2X嘅人會叫佢地做B2X。

以今日黎講,我地係唔可能靠呢一啲名稱同交易地址去知道對方嘅BTC係Bitcoin Core定係SegWit2X。所以好多專家都建議普通用家響SegWit2X之後暫時唔好做Bitcoin交易,直至所有嘅混亂平定左先。

English Version

The recent topic on Bitcoin is about which Bitcoin is the real bitcoin. This story covers information between 1st August to end of November.

Hard Fork

Fork in programming world means the development of a new program based on the source code of an existing program. When talking about Bitcoin, it means the creation of new cryptocurrency based on the source code of existing Bitcoin (BTC) Bitcoin Core codes. New coin created will be similar to bitcoin in properties, but run differently, such as different block sizes or different algorithms for encryption. This also means the network of the new coin will not work with the existing Bitcoin network properly.

Soft Fork

Soft Fork is different from Hard Fork in terms of compatibility – Soft Fork will add features to existing Bitcoin network whether or not all parties on existing network upgrade to the new soft fork. An example of soft fork in Bitcoin network is the SegWit soft fork activated in the end of August. We will talk more about it below.

4 Changes

Between 1st August and end of November, there are 4 changes you need to know.

  • Bitcoin Cash - Hard Fork (1st August 2017)
  • SegWit - Soft Fork(24th August 2017)
  • Bitcoin Gold - Hard Fork(25th October 2017)
  • SegWit2X - Hard Fork(Mid-Nov 2017)

Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash have its abbreviation as BCC or BCH; also called Bcash. It is supported by Roger Ver from bitcoin.com, John Mcafee and Jihan Wu from Bitmain. They want to make everyone in the planet to use Bitcoin, such as micro-transaction on buying coffee or fast food. They claimed that the 1MB block size of Bitcoin is too small that made the transaction fee too high for micro-transaction. A block is the way Bitcoin network process transactions, the more congested each block is, the higher the fee users will be charged for processing the transactions within next 10 minutes. It doesn’t matter you send US$1 or US$10000 worth of Bitcoin to others, you might need to pay up to US$10 for that transactions within that 10 minutes. This is why they hard fork Bitcoin as Bitcoin Cash with 8MB block size. All the holders of Bitcoin on 1st August will receive the same amount of Bitcoin Cash.


SegWit is a soft fork supported by most Bitcoin developers. The fork as an added feature upgrade rearranged the way transactions are processed such that the transaction can be completed with less information, which means a lower fee. The block size is also adjustable easily to a maximum size of 4MB. At the time of writing, 10% of Bitcoin transactions are done with SegWit. You may notice the benefit of SegWit made the Bitcoin Cash hard fork pointless.

Bitcoin Gold

Bitcoin Gold is a hard fork with abbreviation of BTG; also called BTCGPU. The change on the encryption method is anti-ASIC – ASIC are chips that specially made designed to run Bitcoin encryption faster. This means the transactions can once again made by normal PC with fast GPU, making everyone on the planet can once again join the transaction network. Bitcoin Gold supporters believe this can be act as a backup to Bitcoin network that is currently running on ASIC machines made by Chinese Bitmain, mostly located in cheap electricity farms in north-western China. All the holders of Bitcoin will receive the same amount of Bitcoin Gold if they are holding their Bitcoin private keys, such as holding Bitcoin in your own wallet, not in exchanges.


SegWit2X is NOT an enhanced version of SegWit. It is a hard fork that changes the block size to 2MB agreed by almost all business entities related that use Bitcoin in their businesses last year. Major supporters are again Roger Ver from bitcoin.com, John Mcafee and Jihan Wu from Bitmain. They think Bitcoin need to increase their processing capability and if all the business entities within the Bitcoin ecosystems perform the upgrade, it will succeed. However, the SegWit soft fork already made block size larger, fees cheaper and work with existing Bitcoin network. There is really no need to upgrade to SegWit2X.

The most interesting development recently is signers of SegWit2X New York Agreement was only agree with the upgrade if there will be only 1 Bitcoin network. Now, we have Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, and the anti-SegWit2X camp include most Bitcoin developers, the 2X upgrade will definitely be the 3rd Bitcoin. The agreement is basically voided and some signers have withdrawn.

Unfortunately, BitPay, Bitmain and bitcoin.com will still run the 2X upgrade. Most irritating issue is they will treat the new hard fork network as Bitcoin BTC network. This is the major reason why I have to write this story.

What can we do?

Bitcoin Cash and SegWit has already deployed, and unless you have Bitcoin as of 1st August 2017 not claimed, you will not need to do anything. Bitcoin Gold is simple, just transfer your Bitcoin holding to your Bitcoin wallet, and the Bitcoin Gold team will let you know how to claim the coin.

SegWit2X will need you to pay attention to how your wallets/exchanges see Bitcoin is. Existing Bitcoin (BTC) network is called Bitcoin Core (Bitfinex calls it BT1). The new SegWit2X network is BTC1 (Bifinex calls it BT2), and their supporters such as BitPay and bitcoin.com will call this new coin as Bitcoin (BTC). Anti-SegWit2X community call this new coin as B2X.

As of today, Bitcoin community have no idea on which network the other party is running by just the name or the addresses. General recommendation is to leave your Bitcoin untouched after the SegWit2X hard fork and wait until the mess sort out on its own.

Copyright © RyoPlasmic 2017. All rights reserved.


I've been meaning to write my thoughts about this, and I am also of the opinion that from a programmer's / software engineering perspective, segwit 2x does not make sense, essentially boiling down to what you said. It's a politically oriented maneuver, and not technically oriented as they would like people to believe (I'll attempt to justify this position at some point, it's probably controversial). Although, that's not to say that the core side is not political... there's also some seemingly childish behavior on their end. It's really hard to get good information on this that is purely technical and not just mudslinging. Anyway, thanks for sharing!

The politics is less useful in long run, so I leave it for another article. People not closely looking at the development is getting extremely confused about the B-Altcoin right now. I just hope that this can help them a bit.

To you, it is just a basic piece of information just as where you put your key in. :-)

if we are holding btc in nano S, do we have to choose legacy or segwit when the forking come?? so confusing for newbies like me T-T
good post for clearing concepts up, thank you

I actually prepared an openbox + step by step review and will talk about this.

hodler do not need to change anything, you will get your 2X coin when it activates.

Direct reply to your question above:
When you choose Bitcoin, the next screen is Legacy and SegWit. This SegWit is the soft fork of August (that I will be using next time I move my BTC in.) I suppose you just got the new device, and will need to send in your existing coin - use Bitcoin->SegWit. Once you already send in your BTC to Ledger, you should not need to do anything to get the new 2X coin, unless Ledger changed something.

When you start the wallet app, you see Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, actually there is a hidden SegWit2X entry there for the new chain

The only thing I am not sure is Bgold for Ledger. I will probably move my btc to Mycelium wallet on 24th Oct and then move back to Ledger Nano S on 27th Oct to make sure I can claim it. (do not do it if you are not sure)

Contact me if you need help ^_^

Thank you very much Ching!!

Very nice completion of post! @ryoplasmic

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