Psychic Experiment

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Psychic Experiment

I am running an experiment to test the psychic abilities of a group of people,, and inviting you to either participate or follow the results. Instructions to do so can be found at the bottom of the page.

The study will follow a similar method used by remote viewers with a few changes.

Questions will be created that have an absolute answer which is either right or wrong.

The questions will be concerned with events in a particular time frame.

Here is an example question:
Will the DJIA close above 24,900 this week.

Or there may be multiple questions Like this:

Will the DJIA close above 24,900 this week.
Will the DJIA close above 25,000 this week.
Will the DJIA close below 24,900 this week.

You will never see the question(s), but you will be sent a unique identifier consisting of characters, numbers and symbols.

Something like this example: cAT$u5Kjr2

Along with the unique identifier, you will also receive two or more answers from which to choose.

In the first example, which has only one question, you may receive answers to choose from like these:
Car and Tree, or Blue and Orange.

On my end, I will have already associated Car with NO and Tree with YES, or Blue with NO and Orange with YES.

In the second example, I may have associated the words Diamond, Ranch and Canal.

Will the DJIA close above 24,900 this week. Diamond
Will the DJIA close above 25,000 this week. Ranch
Will the DJIA close below 24,900 this week. Canal

The first 50 trials will consists of binary questions (i.e. questions will an outcome of true or false). At least 2 questions will be asked per week.

A list of 11 colors will be used. Each question will be assigned two colors. Each color is assigned a number, and a random number generator was used to generate the color pairs for each question.

After mediating on the unique identifier, choose the answer you feel drawn to.

Simply reply to the email with your answer.

Two types of scores will be recorded:

#1 Was the most popular answer the correct one? (This will be shared with all participants)

#2 Was your answer the correct one? (Only you will have access to this score)

All participants will be assigned a unique id number.

How to participate or follow along:

If you would like to follow the results, sign-up for the free nightly newsletter at:

If you would like to participate, click the CONTACT link in the menu above.
Enter the word "EXPERIMENT" in the Subject line, and your first name in the body of the email.

This should be an interesting endeavor.

Thank you!


Trial #1

Question: Will GLD finish higher on Tuesday 5/29/18

Colors: Gray (True) / Red (False)

Outcome: GLD closed -$0.02

Participants: 53% chose Red

Note: Such a small change in the price may have affected the outcome. I'll keep an eye on this.

Trial #2

Question #2: The SPY will close lower on Thursday 5/31/18

Colors: Green (FALSE) Black (TRUE)

Outcome: SPY -1.67

Participants: 35% were correct


I thought, and a few of you have had the same thought, that the emotional appeal of green over black may have caused some participants to be drawn to green. This is a plausible hypothesis, but someone with true psychic abilities should be able to put their emotions aside. I do not expect all participants to exhibit psychic abilities. This experiment is to determine if there are participants who's scores down the road are clearly greater than chance.

Someone asked me if it would be better to simply ask the question (i.e. The SPY will close lower on Thursday 5/31/18). If I did so, the results would simply be a consensus, and that is not the purpose.

Trial #3

Question #3: Will AMZN price go above 1639 at some point on 6/1/18

Colors: Pink (TRUE) Purple (FALSE)

Outcome: True. It did raise above 1639 on Friday

Participants: 65% correct


Not all participants have answered all three questions, bot of those who have, one person has gotten all three correct.

One participant wrote me with some thoughts:

"According to old research at Duke University, even a modest improvement on 50/50 odds would be considered evidence of measurable psychic ability. You have to also take in to account the phenomenon of psi-missing which means that people who are consistently wrong are also demonstrating psychic phenomenon."

"Ask the participants to sit quietly and think about the question for a few moments, then close their eyes and report the first color that comes in to the mind or that they see."

I would like to add to that last piece of advice. From a long time ago to the recent past, I have heard psychics and remote viewers suggest the following to height your abilities in this area. Always let the answer come to you. Don't try to force it. It will most likely come when you are NOT thinking about it. Let's say the choices at Green and Black. Be on the look out for those two colors as you go through the day. Perhaps you will see a story on the news about a Green Beret, or maybe you hear on the radio that Jim Frederick's book Black Hearts is now the number 1 selling book on Amazon. Do you see what they mean when they say "let it come to you"? That is just one suggestion.

Yes, to answer another participant's question, I am keeping track of every ones individual scores.

As for how the experiment is currently designed, I may make changes after we have complete the first 10 questions.

Thanks for you participation/interest


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