The Digital Economy: Central Banks Cloning Bitcoin For National Currencies

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Many individuals are still surprised to hear that the Federal Reserve has a bitcoin clone too. All central banks are exploring blockchain technology (FINTECH) as part of their plans to engineer the cashless society, aka digital economy.
In my opinion this is very BAD, and I can imagine the worse:

  • Bankers Can Abolish bank-runs!
  • Greater capital controls (bankers' wet dream)
  • Cashless society, you have no money - only what the officials allow
  • Mandatory 100% tax compliance
  • Privacy invasion, data mining, mass surveillance, subject profiles
  • New industry: mega data corporations with supercomputers & A.I.
  • No future payment system will be built on printed paper and metal.
  • Governments can rob your account, imagine: demand the bank autopay the legal fines & fees and withdrawing the funds before you can respond!
  • complete digital surveillance
  • psychological profile
  • digital autopay for all transactions
  • cyber espionage & cyber warfare
... The likelihood that government currencies will be transacted over a specially developed version of Blockchain is therefore very high. I think the idea of Fedcoins as a cryptocurrency issued by the Federal Reserve and replacing physical dollar bills and coins a done deal, waiting for the right crisis (false flag/covert ops/engineered crisis) to spring it on the unsuspecting citizens.

Surviving Fedcoin: How to Protect Yourself (and Profit) from America's Coming Currency ...

“To start with, I suspect it’s going to be a parallel currency. Perhaps usable just within the U.S. which, in effect, would be a form of foreign exchange controls even more effective than the inability of Americans to open up foreign bank and brokerage accounts today [due to monetary control through FATCA]…I think it’s a near certainty that they’re going to do something like this and soon.” -Doug Casey article:

Coindesk article:

H. Res. 835 on SCRIBD:


Yeah this thing poped up in my head the first time I heard about bitcoin. I wont be surprised if it turns out to be true.

The ruling class are social engineers, experts at financial engineering - among other bad things...
But, yes the hidden agenda behind what they call the 4th industrial revolution (all the technology coming out in this 21st century, such as A.I. & digital currencies) falls in their crafted spell for globalization.

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