Philosophy of a Bitcoiner 💡

There comes a time in each person’s life when they need to decide what the most important thing for them is. The things they value the most and will prioritize in the future. Some of the most common choices you will hear people choose will often be family, religion, money, or work. There is no correct answer. What is right for you, may not be right for me, and vice versa.

However, we likely could agree that many of the people investing in Bitcoin focus a large amount of their time on money. Worrying about current macro events, their wealth being inflated away, reaching their accumulation goals, and the price of Bitcoin. During bull markets, the FOMO caused by seeing the value of your portfolio soar is unlike anything most of us have ever felt before. But that is always followed up by bear markets, which sends us to the deepest valleys of emotions. The truth is that for many of us, our entire mood revolves around what the current price of Bitcoin is doing.

If prices are up, we are happy. But, if prices are down, it’s going to be a bad day. The first thing we do in the morning is to check prices, something that we constantly will continue to do throughout the day. In fact, it’s likely there is never a point during the day when we don’t know what the current price is. We check Bitcoin’s price right before going to sleep, and we also check during the night when we go to the restroom. For many of us investing in Bitcoin; the price and prospect of becoming wealthy control our lives.

It’s all we think about. This is compounded even further when considering that Bitcoin investors are supposed to have a long-term approach. This means that this will be something we live with for 10, 20, or several more years. Controlling and taking over our lives.


I won’t lie, I am just as guilty of having this type of personality as anyone. I have been obsessed with Bitcoin. Ranging from accumulating, its price, keeping up to date on all news, and dreaming about its future.

With that said, I was watching an interview the other day that really got me thinking. The interviewee said that people should optimize their lives for stories. Those with the most stories when they die, win.

When people die, the number one regret that they always have is that they didn’t take more risks, and didn’t do more. It is always the things that we didn’t do that we regret more than the things that we actually did. Many of us in Bitcoin get so caught up in its price, that we begin to forget what is really important. The people around us, and the memories that we make. Holding on to a coin forever, hoping that we will become ultra-wealthy in the future when we could change our lives today.

In life, it is always important to maintain a great balance. In this case, we have to be careful not to allow Bitcoin to take over our lives. Bitcoin is an incredible thing that could completely change our lives. But, we must always remember to live and not put our life on hold.

How about you? Have you let Bitcoin take over your life?


🚀 Want to start crypto? Click on the bowl of noodles ➡ 🍜
(just because i like it 😎...)


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