HODLer Alert! Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and Bitcoin

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

As mentioned at the beginning of my "engagement" in our Steem Community, I am an investor in the new "crypto universe." In my HODLers Unite! post, I attempted to provide some encouragement, although any like-minded individuals "out there" would have to admit good news has been in short supply lately.

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While I have no proof, I went so far, in that post as to suggest there is a lot of 🐒 business going on. While "new" to our Steem Community, I am definitely not "new" to "the real world" and all of the corruption "out there." Men have been manipulating, deceiving, etc. since the beginning of time.

Before moving on, here is @roleerob's hard-earned, "no extra charge" word of advice - never go with what "they" say, always go with what "they" do! Simplest definition of integrity I know is that a person's actions line up with their words. Full stop. Period. While we may want to have an "innocent until proven guilty" approach with people, we need to have the opposite, when it comes to investing our money ...

So, again, while good news has been in short supply this NASDAQ article caught my eye, in going across my "radar screen" - "CBOE Files with SEC for Bitcoin ETF" Wow!

[Note: There are other similar articles "out there," so I would encourage you to look into them. After you read my word of encouragement here! 😊]

Key word in that article's title? The last one, ETF! Oh wait! That's an acronym - Exchange-Traded Fund. This is just not another "run of the mill" bit of news floating by. Stop, look, and listen!

If you've spent any time educating yourself about the new "crypto universe," you know the historic "cornerstone" role of Bitcoin. If you've chosen to do more than just "watch from the sidelines" and "jumped in," then you know the challenges of actually owning some of your own "cryptos" in this new asset class. It is ... Uhhh ... wording carefully here ... An adventure? Yes, that's it an adventure! 😊

So ... "How's that working out for you?" Well, whatever our individual answers, let's be honest. There are plenty of folks out there who are just not "up" for an adventure. Certainly of this magnitude. And, most especially, when it involves their money. Nope! They're just "not gonna do it!" ... Who knows? Perhaps (no, probably ...) they are a lot smarter than I am.

But an ETF? I am not an investing "wizard," but I have always viewed these as the "easy button" answers for investing your money. Very little work required. Very little anything. Others can speak to this with a lot more detailed data, statistics, etc. but this simple point is, I believe, the basis for a vast amount of the money invested "out there" in the "big wide world."

So, a new means by which some (a lot?) of this money can come "our way?" Simple laws of supply and demand! Many "cryptos" have a fixed supply and, in the face of increased demand, the price will only go one way. Up! Hopefully, way, way UP!!

So, there you have it. I think this is very encouraging, if you are a long-term (like me) investor. Yes, I know the "crypto market" is down again today. Hopefully you will be as encouraged by this news as I am, in our common challenge of trying to justify being and remaining a HODLer. Who knows, you may even want to consider being an ADDler! (? is that a word @roleerob? 😊 )

In closing, let's get this out of the way. Yes, I am openly saying I am an investor (guess I'll find out how smart that is ...). A "professional" investor? A "good" investor? No, I did not say that. As I would hope would be the case, if our roles were reversed, I am just trying to provide some good news, of which you may be unaware.

So ... The usual caveats apply. I am not any sort of professional investment adviser. Please do your own research. Make the best, well-informed decision you can.

I am just "one of the masses" trying like many to change my consistent, historic pattern of "buy high" and "sell low." Yes, dear helpful fellow Steemians, I may be a little slow, but I do know I have that backwards. 😊 I'm working on turning it around ... 👍

Have a good, productive, and profitable day!

Respectfully, fellow Steemian @roleerob


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