
I love the milk breasts shooting all over the place...

If you give me 3-1 odds I say we touch $8k by the end of February. If we never touch $8k you win.
My 2 SBD versus your 6SBD. :) deal?

You can use Byteball to place such a bet with others. LOL

Do you want to take the other side of my action?

So you are in agreement w my educated guess?

I would not bet against a slide to 7/8k no :)

are you referring to BTC dipping back down to $8k?

Yes, I think we dip back to $8k by end of Feb. . Long term I’m a major bull, but this is too much too soon imho.

seems very unlikely...

We can be 100% sure about it, if buffet is in the whole wall street will invest in crypto

You can’t be 100% sure about anything in life and especially not investing/trading.

Buffet isn't in. He doesn't believe in it. And it does matter - the mainstream institutional traders are still flocking in.

Bitcoin is already making waves. I would love to tag this year the year of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
Buffet's opinion on bitcoin doesn't count and still saw bitcoin waxing and growing stronger.
Bitcoin to the moon 🚀🚀🚀
Great update @rok-sivante

After Katy Perry talking about bitcoin, people whom didn’t know bitcoin and gained awareness of it!!!

listen 78% of americans live paycheck to paycheck, they even canNOT buy bitcoin now at all

that's their money-mangement problem.

Beer... or Bitcoin...?
Cable TV and unnecessary consumables... or financial investment...?

Or, they could get on Steemit, start writing, and earn their startup capital in Steemit. That's what I did.

Or, they could get off their ass and create value in some way for someone that'd generate enough to get a foot in the door.

But most won't and don't. And no one is to blame but themselves.

Agreed, great points. Most ppl would love to be rich n retire early until they realize what it takes.

Bitcoin already making waves And i believe very soon all companies will accept it @rok-sivante

If unimpeded, bitcoin will reach at least 1 million, at least. I was just saying in a reply to another post that as soon as a few more famous people start talking about it it's going to explode. I didn't except that to happen three minutes later. Hah!

I'm glad I got my first .0018 bitcoins. I wish it was more but that's all I could manage. I hope the explosion can wait a few weeks, then I'll invest some steem, let it x100 and reinvest half in steem :-)

This is good news amidst fear that the price of bitcoin would be heading for a dip soon.

good exposure nonetheless

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63287.47
ETH 2569.39
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81