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RE: Relax - Combining the Bear Market with the Bitcoin Wedge

in #bitcoin7 years ago

You may be right about the profitability of day trading cryptos. And if anyone can do it well I think you may be one the rare few. IMHO, the importance of avoiding emotional involvement in the trade is crucial and in the fast pace required for day trading it is probably impossible for most.

Plan the trade and trade the plan! How the hell can anyone do that rapidly? Not me.

In my dwindling spare time I've been thinking about getting a trading bot running. My cousin is considering writing his own (he has the writing skillset but his practical trading experience is nearly nil). I actually reached out to Haas at one point, but they are too millennial for me and I won't pay anyone if I can't talk to someone on the phone first.

More later, my wife just hijacked my agenda for the rest of this morning.



Back now, honey-do list temporarily caught up.

Well that sucked.

Stock market opened strong this morning, my whole portfolio up 2%. For me that's a good day in the market, much better than average, but everything turned around while I'm working on more important things and I'm down 2% at the end of the day.

Oh well, stuff happens, and this market has been so strong that only a complete idiot could fail to make money in the past year. By that measurement standard I'm not a complete idiot 8-)

GDAX doesn't provide any notification about executed trades, no email or text notification option and I'm too easily bored to watch it continuously. Does your exchange notify you when an order executes?

Ciao again,

They only notify when you add and withdraw and such, I would think that sending people mails because of such things would both eat resource and present hackers with valuable information - even geniuses like Hillary used insecure email servers ;)

I never got on GDAX because they wanted some ID info I had already given Coinbase, and something between the two didn't work out, so I grew bored and went somewhere else, but the basic setup should be the same mostly...

I heard that limit orders don't always execute when the markets are tight, anyway - that can be fatal, best to watch what's going on.
They limited my ability to correspond to one uttering a day, so I have no idea if I can post this comment as I already answered @wk93 above...

I'm outraged! #free@jojof

What eternal idiot is throttling your precious utterances?!?! >-(

I've got this friend, Vinnie, and well...Vinnie breaks legs for a living. He's a resource I don't resort to very often but this case definitely warrants his involvement. Just tell me who and where and I'll have him on it like white on rice.

But seriously, I know GDAX has the high quality problem of too many people want to be customers. If GDAX goes public I'm buying some.

I trade stocks at TDAmeritrade and they have all kinds of automated alerts I can use. I get an automated email every time a trade executes in my account and every time the price crosses any kind of trigger level I set. This is not as obtrusive as it might sound because I don't trade much and I don't set a lot of alert triggers, but it is a feature I like.

Done right the resources and security threats of such emails are miniscule and trivial. It is all about the customer experience.

GDAX only meet a very low threshold of customer experience because hordes of hungry crypto speculators are barraging them with applications. For us US denizens GDAX is a pretty safe choice because they are determined to be regulation compliant as US regs emerge in cryptos.

For you EU players there are probably better options. Like iit or not, for at least a little while longer we have to play by the rules of our respective nation-states.

What could you have possibly done that merited throttling? I follow you and I don't see anything excessive, bashing, demeaning, violent, or spam. I see various steembots in other places that almost made me decide steemit was going to be a waste but you and a very few others served to keep me here.

I'm outraged. This can not stand. What can I do to help besides rant and rave?


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