Bitcoin price doubling every 3-6 months?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

This time last year, I thought that $2k price predictions for BTC in 2017 were crazy-talk. How wrong I was. What do you think for 2018?

Source: screen shot

I started playing with bitcoin-related technologies in early 2015, when a single bitcoin was around $231. Since that time, its value has doubled 5 times - on average, every 6 months. It broke $9,000 for the first time this morning. The last two doublings both happened in about 3 months each.

If (BIG IF) that exponential rate of growth continues, one BTC would be worth $18k sometime between February and May of 2018, and $36k by the end of 2018.

According to this video from Business Insider, there is reason to believe that Bitcoin follows an exponential growth path for as long as new users are being added.


According to Bloomberg, Coinbase - one of the largest bitcoin exchanges - has recently been on-boarding up to 100,000 new users per day.

So last year, I thought that BTC predictions for $2k in 2017 were crazy-talk. This year? What do you think?

Is BTC=$36k in 2018 crazy-talk?

Update (Nov 28):

Out of curiosity, I just tracked down the first time Bitcoin crossed one dollar and plugged it into a toy spread-sheet. According to, it was Feb 9, 2011 - 81 (and a fraction) months ago. Since that time, the price has doubled 13 times. 81 months divided by 13 doublings = 6 1/4 months per doubling. So - despite the Mt. Gox induced downturn - the long term trend is also fairly close to the trend over the last 2 1/2 years.

For whatever it's worth, if that trend continues, this implies $16,384 by June 7, 2018; $32,768 by December 15, 2018; and $65,536 by June 24, 2019. You heard it here first. ; -)

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