My Face Watching Bitcoin Go Up and Up and UP!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin At $5,740.00

With my some of my steemit rewards I was able to purchase a bitcoin this last year and now look how much it's worth!

some_text A link to My Blog


Can someone tell me how can I sleep tonight when btc in my head

Wow big congrats and good on you for holding on to it ! Are you gonna celebrate this weekend ?

I won't be spending my bitcoin, but if bitcoin can hold onto the 5,000 mark, yeah I will be partying...lolol

You can buy one champagne Moet & Chandon Imperial for 0.0087108 Bitcoin. If you want to party really hard though you will be able to buy 115 bottles for one bitcoin. I think your decision to not spend the Bitcoin is the best hehe

I can't drink wine I get too fat, it's old age and fat old lady butt syndrome...but I will sip some good whisky every now and then! Maybe if bitcoin goes up to $500,000 like John McAfee predicted or" he will eat his private parts." I will do the Scottish Whisky tour for a vacation.

yea wine can be a bit dangerous as the calories will sneak up on you. I have decreased my wine consumption quite a bit.

whisky i havent gotten around to yet, i cant handle alcohol that strong, but maybe i just need some practive.

lets hope that John doesnt need to eat is privates, Both for peoples who are invested in Bitcoin sake and of course for his own hehe

Oh!!! my goodness,,
Big congrats to you because your BTC rewards grow up.

Who would of thought that digital currency could by hard assets like land and gold? I just hope North Korea doesn't decide to hit America with EMP bomb and wipe out our electrical network. lololol

hahaha Well at least you got one. I invested in shitcoins and got stuck there for a while.

Now I am just waiting on the Bay for someone to rescue me. Do you feel like doing a charity? Feel free to throw some. :)

btw nice post,.

I have some shitcoins as well, I bought potcoins just cause I liked the name :P You can always compost them for next years shitcoin garden :P

haha potcoins.. I can't believe we even fall for that. Although, my invest is like split in half but I am glad that I don't have to wait for the shitcoin garden next year :p

Glad to hear that we are on the same side of the story. Nice to meet you. Enjoy! :)

Potcoin is setting up pot atms all over the place, you never know....I just read about somekind of bill in front of the Senate or Representative to legalize the possession, growing, selling of pot on the federal level. I wish the government on the state and federal level would get out of our personal lives and businesses! Government on the federal level should be involved in protecting our borders and immigration that's it...the states should be working for us the common people rather than too big to fail business and the federal government. I've never been able to smoke pot because it makes me feel awful...but I think we have a right as free individuals to do what we want as long as we don't hurt anyone. Pot is harmless even if one has an addictive personality.

Yeah, you are right.

But there's literally any relation between pot and potcoin. They are just using the name to target the young ones. You would know that the Crypto traders are mostly youngsters.

Potcoin is just another programming protocol. I fail to understand why would anyone use it? Anyway, not here to lecture on investment.

I support what you said about the Government and I hope that we move a step further towards decentralization. Otherwise we would continue with the 'too big to fail' thing.

At last, pot is harmless but potcoin may not be :P #keepHoldling

That makes sense, I only bought the coin because it was cool....hahaha, you are brilliant.

My favorite saying is, "Remain Calm & HODL"... :)

After this last year working on steemit, I have my sea-legs and my husband is HODL ;-) he is the serious collector, I am just a newbie.

you are looking still young
thank you for sharing
don't forget to up vote

...lololol, thank you my friend @yasirgawad.

Amazing emotional effects on your face. Congratulations @reddust
Go ahead


yes it is going up like crazy..
But I am waiting for Steem to go up

Steemit has stayed pretty steady regarding it's currency, I am happy with it's performance so far....Can't wait for improvements on the user interface.


your reaction says how much surprized and happy to know about that, enjoy the moment.

I am just amazed over this new technology, it's been an interesting ride thus far!

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