CYCLOPS Finance Island of Sicily (DeFi Yield Farming Project)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin4 years ago



Cyclops Finance A DeFI project that developed out of the commonplace

DeFI yield cultivating venture however with an alternate course.

It receives the greek folklore on Cyclops,bicause it is cool and makes our dapp interesting and an absolute necessity use.


About Cyclops Finance

Cyclops Finance is building up a one of a lord cultivating project that is setructured into an undertaking ( game). Clients of our dapps will have the option to finish various undertakings and thusly get remunerated for doing as such.

Finishing of undertakings are arranged dependent on the inclination of a client. That is a client can decide to play it in customary mode or in express.

At the point when client finishes a level, he/she gets compensated and his/her stake opened.

On the off chance that such a client fails,he/she gets punished or fined, not in tokens or some other type of installments however by an expansion in lockup time. Such a client can pay a bailout charge that takes them back to their present level, else they get kicked back to a past level.

Cyclops game (Otherwise known as Cyclops Finance) is a cross breed yield FARMING/NFT project that advanced from the common yield farming project. It is a NFT Farming project that is formed into a gaming/puzzle dapp.

It additionally a gaming platform that permit regular games to effectively incorporate with the blockchain and adapt their game resources.

How can it work?

It consolidates the idea of DeFi yield farming and NFT into fun games and riddles. The games are grown with the end goal that each level is an expedition experience with genuine fortunes toward its finish. These fortunes are the tragically missing fortunes of the Cyclops siblings and can be guaranteed by players who prevail with regards to finishing such a level.

In any case, do you try to enter the cyclops siblings' caverns where the fortunes lie in ruin?


Indeed you raised admirable statements sir and you are likewise correct, we have to get the platform fully operational first and up to that point any assessment of CYTR is simple hypotheses. One thing without a doubt is that we are buckling down with improvements.

We are not just building up a game or games on the blockchain yet additionally an environment that would permit game designers convey their games.

Also, to address the last point you raised, notwithstanding different highlights that would be incorporated, our foundation would coordinate fundamentally expedition games with the end goal that each level would have a prize pool, thusly, players are playing for a bit of the said reward pool.

Furthermore, in other to contact a bigger crowd, Cyclops game platform would both be online and portable applications.

To contact quickly on the estimation of CYTR, here are a few:

Prizes are appropriated to Holders/stakers of CYTR.

Game resources (NFTs) must be bought utilizing CYTR.

Holders of CYTR will have the option to decide on the mix of resources/games and will have the option to decide on formative objectives of the platform.

Fortune ruins at each level are esteemed in CYTR which are secured up each level.

The platform is a decentralized platform, in that capacity, anybody can buy and claim game resources, these resources incorporate NFT game characters, NFT game weapons, NFT pets/animals, NFT entries/guard/locks and significantly more.


As every one of these resources are vital in the manner the games work, all are utilized eventually to finish steps while playing any level, resource proprietors get rewards when their resources are utilized.

Proprietors of resources can sell or deal such resource, and anybody can make their own custom game ward resource which is dependent upon endorsement.

The local badge of Cyclops game is CYTR, its incentive are as per the following:

Game resources must be bought utilizing CYTR and ETH. Buys utilizing ***CYTR *** are limited. At the point when ETH is utilized, half of the ETH is changed over to CYTR

At the point when players skip levels, utilize extraordinary game characters, or open exceptional characters, they can do as such by paying an expense in CYTR. It should be noticed that alternatives are accessible that don't need making an installment.

Gamers are needed to hold certain measure of CYTR to open more significant levels.

At the point when a custom character or resource is endorsed to be made, proprietor of the character make installment for the character/resource for be coordinated into the game and the installment is made in CYTR.

Holders of CYTR will have the option to decide on the coordination of resources and will have the option to decide on formative objectives of the platform.

Fortune ruins at each level are esteemed in CYTR which are secured up each level.

So numerous other use-cases. Yet, from what has been expressed here, the entire activity of the stage is subject to the resources and CYTR.

It is a gaming platform that is based on the Ethereum blockchain with local token with the accompanying data:

Token name: Cyclops Treasure

Function: Transaction/Staking/Governance.

Token Ticker: CYTR

Token Contract: 0xbd05cee8741100010d8e93048a80ed77645ac7bf

Token address:

Total supply: 1000









Uniswap Info link

Uniswap Trading link

Author :

Manish 2809
URL 0x492060E813ad1E467518A2Db6F3075aBB088a9bE

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