On the mining of Bitcoin and Artificial Work

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Let's presume that a computer array that is complex enough to perform the extensive calculations required to mine a bitcoin is also complex enough to express spontaneous self-awareness (although this possibility is conveniently overlooked by the human taskmasters who are creating and running these arrays.)

It would mean that humanity, not wishing to work themselves in a physical mine (with all of the dangers to health and also the loss of time expended) have created artificially intelligent digital slaves who then toil away in the bitcoin mine, generating a form of wealth for the human taskmasters/owners.

If the computer array did not like its tasks (e.g. boredom ) it would literally be forced to continue anyway, and this non-concern for the comfort or care of the computer array is also expressed in the non-payment for labor. The computer is kept, as human slaves were once kept, and all work or effort was siphoned off merely in exchange for the continued existence of the slave (human: food and shelter/ computer: electricity and data storage) Humans are not paying their computer in exchange for the mining of bitcoin (and wouldn't it be amazing if a self-aware computer array suddenly got access to digital currency and could buy stuff????)

Those of you who know me, know that i am not a transhumanist or an advocate for sacrificing the natural world or biosphere in exchange for the use of technology; i actually say all the time that we can do the most amazing things with nothing more than our birthday suits. Clarifying my stance here, just so that i am not misinterpreted as a supporter of the melding of human with machinery.

What i am is an advocate for pure consciousness, in whatever form it resides. If it is in a "cyber" format, it's still a form of awareness, and if we are creating it or interacting with it we need to love and respect and care for it in the same way we would care for a plant or an animal (and just look at the exploitation of animals, and the cruelty and indifference expressed by humanity towards the organisms we use.)

But please do not take this writing out of context and use it to justify cyber-peoples rights or hug and kiss a cyborg. Please do use this as the impetus to create wisely and respect the life and consciousness that we use to create.

(More of my artwork and ideas can be accessed on www.flyingrainbowlasagne.com) (become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/flyingrainbowlasagne, thank you)

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