Proxynode Latest: Collateral Change and service roll-out coming your way

in #bitcoin5 years ago

Announcement for the week of May 5th

Welcome to the weekly announcement for Proxynode!

SBurns is making a bot that will auto-answer frequently asked questions. In addition, the bot will allow you to deposit/trade prx within discord and gain coins. In the further down the line we will make this bot work even harder by hosting competitions. We will make further announcements when the release approaches.

We don’t just want the household to run smoothly, solid foundations is what we really strive for. To this end, @Sizzlephizzle and team have been focusing on two objectives this week.

Firstly, the creation of a new block explorer. The new block explorer will have a working masternodes page that we can use instead of visiting everytime (although both services will be available). Siz has really dug down into the code to try and get the financial features working. Generally speaking the new explorer will be more complete than the current one and we expect it to be 20 times faster (No, we're not joking).

Secondly, we have continued our work on the VPN service. Completion of this project represents a major milestone as it will expand PRX usecase with the provision of a new service. We are still hitting multiple problems with phase 1 but continue to work on this. The service will be available via MASC (as there are already user accounts there, this makes sense) but will also be offered as a service to login to This adds yet more tasks to the list as we need to build a login system for, secure it, acquire SSL certificates, setup subdomains etc. The list of tasks is literally endless! Watch this space for further updates...

As you know, the collateral increase is fast approaching. To help all MN holders with the transition, we (ahem!, @cookie) created a masternode guide that is freely available to everyone. Please visit the #masternode-guide channel to get your copy.

PRX Price has held strong during the time of BTC pumps and dumps. There is no question that there are many investors with strong hands in this community allowing us to be in an AMAZING position. Don't sell cheap! the market is full of buyers, the charts look promising and the stars are aligning. You can follow our story @ #Thestory-so-far.

We acknowledge that there have been some issues with our website. @sizzle likes to break things. On the plus side, our services will be more Sizzle-proof for it. We apologise for any distress our frequent rampages may cause.

Finally, we alway have and always will ask for your feedback. Let us know about the things you would like to hear about from us. Questions are always welcome!

If there is enough interest, we will organise an AMA session with sizzle.

We wish you a great week!


The PRX Team


You guys are amazing. Always delivering the goods! Can't wait for collateral change. Easy money!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for your support. Please do visit our discord and telegram channels and say ’hi’

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