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RE: New World Currency - May 16, 2018?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I suppose that could be if we don't set it straight. I'm more the optimist. I believe humanity as a whole needs to experience these lessons of our mistakes in order to wake ourselves up from this stupor and learn to really think out of the box we've programmed ourselves within, so as to create a whole new system that is far better. Because the old is so deeply wired into our subconscious, it would seem we have to bang our head hard enough against the wall to wake up and learn. If nothing else, that would be the antagonist role I would say the power elite are playing.

While at the same time whoever this Satoshi Nakamoto is has begun that process and look where we are now compared to then. 10 years ago the global financial system was in collapse and any thought of what we have now with blockchain technology would really be like some sort of cosmic Sci-Fi. Yet, it is now real and we are truly on the brink of something literally mind boggling. Those of us here on steemit are the visionaries and pioneers.


Dont you have impression, that humanity wakes themself up from time to time but then we tend to forget all lessons learned very quickly?

Great post. easy read.

What you say is true, especially those who watch a lot of media, which is designed specifically to guide people's thinking in very specific "narratives" to forget a lot. The real question is how hard do we humans need to bang our head against the wall before enough of us wake up. Some of us are a bit more hardheaded and brainwashed than others and need to hit our heads harder many times to really wake up.

I for one, being a baby-boomer TV generation, after seeing with my own 2 eyes the demolitions of 9-11 still had to see the US illegally invade Iraq on clear-cut lies before I could accept the obvious. In fact, many say what the world needs is a big enough "event" of some kind to wake the world up. Then the question is what will it take to wake enough up to turn the tide.

Certainly, it has been one thing after another for those with eyes to see and many are waking up. From what I see online there are more people on this planet than ever who have thrown away their TV sets, limit their time on the more negative social media and so called "smartphones", grow their own or seek out non poisonous food and are looking more towards some sort of deeper spiritual meaning to it all. It truly is a revolution of the evolution of consciousness taking place that I see.

The real question is how hard do we humans need to bang our head against the wall before enough of us wake up.

I think we will never wake up. Ever. maybe we used to do it in the past, but not any more. Providing people with comfortable lifestyle is the most efficient way of controling them .and that's what's happening with us. People do not care. They dont want to wake up. they want to live their short lifes happily. And Im one of those lemmings....

Wow, dude. If I took your words at face value, they would "seem" to be the most pessimistic comment I think I've ever seen on any social media. I suppose your blue-pill belief (of the Matrix trilogy) might only be able to work, if the ruler/controlers were able to actually create a system where everyone had just what you say, "providing people with comfortable lifestyle"; but the world is nowhere near that and still I believe there will always be those "truth seekers" like myself who deep down know there is much more to it all. Of course then the question arises of what the people would consider to be comfortable enough to suppress any desire to wake up.

I for one would gladly welcome such a scenario where all humanity actually did have a comfortable lifestyle just to see if your theory may work, Piotr. That is if I'm understanding your theory correctly. At least then there would be NO wars, killing, hunger, poisons, tyranny, starvation and suffering on our planet, since those are some of the main results and effects of not learning our lessons. I honestly do not believe that could ever happen without humanity simultaneously waking up, or at least the ones ruling/controlling. (Hear that Ned? LOL) And if the controllers actually did wake up from their own insecurities which drive them to rule to begin with, I believe that just might actually be able to do it.

Again, back on point, much would depend on how one defines "waking up" too. I suppose your premise began from an idea of learning our lessons from our mistakes. So if we stopped making the mistakes, then we wouldn't need to remember our lessons, as long as we didn't make the same mistakes again. It seems more a cycle of life on planet earth during our limited time here, which many believe we all eventually wake up and learn our lessons from in order to move onto some other sort of higher and/or different level of existence.

It impress me how fast you reply all messages. are you living in 48h-day universe? :0

That is if I'm understanding your theory correctly

correct :)

thx again for sharing

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