Jamie Dimon back at it says"People who buy Bitcoin are stupid"!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I have run my own company for many years and have been in some form of sales all my adult working life. I have become very skilled at reading faces. This is a man who we know talks out both sides of his mouth to put it politely. This is a man who is not running scared yet but is nervous about having competition for the first time in his life. Him saying he is not worried about Bitcoin is like the taxi union saying they could care less about Uber or the malls through the country saying they are not worried about Amazon. No Mr. "Demon" we are not stupid. Just keep telling us we are and bringing attention to the subject so other people look into crypto's and realize there is a better way. We no longer need people like you to enslave us and steal our hard earned wealth through money printing. Hopefully the long central banking reign of terror on the middle class is beginning to come to an end. Stay tuned.


They are losing control and are willing to do about anything to keep control. The banking cartels are running scared and don't know what to do in my opinion.

It really is a beautiful thing.

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