
So far, Doug seems like an honest guy who says it like it is. I don't agree with some of his views, but he's not trying to manipulate anyone for his personal gain either.

Everyone should listen more to people they dont agree with. There is always something to learn.
Thats the good thing about people like Doug and @cryptovestor:
They dont say what everyone want to hear. They talk about what they see and why they see that way.

I'm actually curious to know what @cryptovestor thinks about #bitconnect and its business model. Even now if you check Twitter, you will find hundreds of believers among their investors. What will those successful "Bitcoin millionaires" say when they do their next vlogs about the failed Ponzi scheme which they had been taking advantage of?

He thinks the same as good advisors. Clear Ponzi.
But in the end It doesnt matter. Until the end of the world, there will always be people dumb people that think that there is "easy money" on the market.
I dont feel Sorry for these people, because probably they do have enough information lying around, and with some quick research It is pretty easy to find a scam.
It is not bad to be greedy, but Dumb greedy people kind of deserve what they get. Maybe lesson learned (probably not)

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