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RE: SkyCoin - An Ongoing Coin Distribution Event And The Rise Of The Arms

in #bitcoin7 years ago

A quick look at the whitepaper, and just an impression so far, but seems their network and consensus algorithm have taken some inspiration from IOTA. I'll continue researching it, but when all you have to go on are whitepapers it's kind of grueling work :)

Thanks for the heads-up, you're spot on with the trend towards low power/low consumption massively distributed "micro-miners" being the trend of the future, and certainly the only practical way to achieve a truly democratized network.


Glad I'm helpful and also thanks for the IOTA hint. I was wondering what's behind them, I'll have a look when I get some free time.

You bet - just to make sure I was clear though, it's just my personal impression that their network seems to resemble more of the IOTA "tangle" concept than a standard blockchain configuration.

But I may be wrong - either way IOTA is another interesting one that aims at a better Internet :)

Cheers for now - @parallaxx

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