Will Bitcoin Remain the "Top Dog"

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin's history has definitely given it an advantage over most other Crypto coins and tokens as far as being the main source to look towards as a leader in this industry. Even though there are other platforms that are faster in transaction times and cheaper to use, it's name recognition still holds the top seat. Of course it was just last month that the word "Ethereum" was actually Google more than "Bitcoin" for the first time ever (See Here) So there is awareness of other platforms catching on around the world. But there is still strong evidence that Bitcoin will remain the mascot for the Crypto world.

Also recently was the close call that the "Market Cap" of Ethereum was gaining on Bitcoin, but didn't quite make it to the top and claim "King of the Hill" but in my opinion just claiming the title of market cap top gun does not necessarily mean that it's the top dog all the way around. There are so many more things going on in the world with Bitcoin, that it can rightfully claim this title. For example, Japan has over 260,000 retail shops just this summer accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment (See Here) let alone in April the Government of Japan declaring that Bitcoin will be accepted in all government offices. The same thing also took place in India with over 500 retail stores accepting Bitcoin (Here), and I'm sure there are alot more not mentioned in this writing.

One also just needs to take a look at most of the current Crypto exchanges to see the power of this great OZ coin called Bitcoin, most exchanges are run on Bitcoin, they require Bitcoin as the go to source of trading for other alt-coins, and with that it keeps those customers purchasing Bitcoin to play the treading game. Sure there are other exchange that can perform a "Shape-Shift" (Here) type exchange but to purchase coins, it takes that that big daddy Bitcoin. But where else has Bitcoin paved new roads to follow?

It gave birth to Litecoin, a champion in its own right, it paved the way with Segwit, it's speed and small fees are the envy of the town, citizens can purchase a cup of coffee without breaking the bank in fees, let alone the transaction times, yes a person can grow old waiting for Bitcoin to clear a transaction (Greedy Miners) but that's a story for another day. But even though Bitcoins child has alot of positives when comparing Father and Child, it still will take a miracle to catch up to Father Bitcoin. There are companies that we're dealing with Bitcoin and had to make a change, one example was BitCart, the vehicle to use Crypro (Namely Bitcoin) in places like Amazon, where it finally had to replace Bitcoin with Dash, trying to speed up the damn transaction times (Here) so yes Bitcoin has had a few setbacks but don't think that the fight is over yet.

With a new day and paragraph, comes a new beginning, yes you guessed it, the new, triumphant, all encompassing (Almost) super powerful "Segwit-2x", yes it took the fear of the Crypto-Gods themselves, along with the possibility of loosing all those profits of high fees to the miners, along with BIP148, and a soft-fork to finally get Bitcoin's ass in high gear, as far as speeding up transactions, and it's coming by the end of July. I'm sure it will have some positives for Bitcoin's reputation, and will once again give it the tools it needs to continue on being the "Top Dog."

To date Bitcoin is the measurement for pretty much all thing's Crypto, whether it's the value of all alt-coins and tokens, or it's percentage of all market caps combined, it's value per coin has yet to be beat. One factor to consider in its price value is the limit of actual coins available, only 21 million, and no telling how many of those have been lost from the early days of mining and not realizing its future value. I recall the story of a Bitcoin miner (I Think) who gave up 10,000 Bitcoins for a pizza, his offer was accepted and at today's prices would be worth about five million dollars (Here) back on topic, but it makes one wonder how many coins over the years have been forgotten about or left on old computers and thrown out. So yes the amount of coins in circulation does have an effect on value. We can look at some of these newer alt-coins that have hundreds of millions or even in the billions of coins, and it can effect their long term value. Now true some of these coins platforms have a need for such quantities but for the most part it can be a negative.

In closing, rest assured, that it'll be awhile before this top dog gets de-throned, it would be wise to get Bitcoin as part of any Portfolio, and in one's regular Crypto purchases, adding alittle to your Bitcoin stash each time will pay off in the end. I saw in some youtube video, a gut saying that in the future if a person held just one Bitcoin, he or she will end up being a millionaire. Plan accordingly, set goals, purchase often as you can, hold some, trade some, take this Crypto adventure seriously, because we are the pioneers of something that will end up being talked about for centuries to come (If the World Lasts That Long) this adventure can be told to your grandchildren, may God bless, thanks for reading, Papa-Ron

Sorry, I had to remove alot of the links to get it posted



Good write up man. Personally while I hold bitcoin I think ETH has already won.

Good point, but both have different functions, thanks for taking the time to read, Ron

hey Papa-Ron,
here is something for you , I think ROD would love this.

Yes Rod is well aware of the posts here on Steemit, but he just doesn't seen to have the spare time that I do, I also wish we could work closer together on projects like this, thanks

i ment the clip of crypto saving private ryan

Ohhh, ha, I'll make sure he see's it, thanks for the clarification, Ron

Get ready for a Bitcoin / Litecoin tag team as Charlie Lee has outlined with his vision of the Lightning network. This is how Bitcoin / Litecoin are going to jump ahead. BTC for holding wealth and LTC for transacting.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65359.95
ETH 3492.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51