Military War Vs Prices of the Crypto-currencies, Bitcoin Can Raise Its Price

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The economy of these times is an economy that moves down or up, depending on the reactions of the markets, after the US attack, against a nation like Syria that has been in war for 6 years, With different fronts of armed groups that the world press and the media calls "moderate opposition" "moderate rebels" "good fighters", yesterday the President of the United States, the most powerful country on earth, with a budget in Defense, projected for this year in an increase of $ 54 billion. After these events the financial markets reacted.

Earlier, one could mention what the digital dailies say: US President Donald Trump ordered Thursday to attack a strategic Syrian air base in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Bashar al-Asad government. According to the Pentagon, two US Navy destroyers. Launched 59 Tomahawk missiles from the Mediterranean Sea against the target in Syria. The US military said six people were killed in the offensive. That is to say that for a supposed use of chemical weapons already there is a reaction.
On the other hand it should not be forgotten that Russia is an ally of Syria and that's the way things are: Russia's reaction to the US attack on Syria: "It causes significant damage to relations between Washington and Moscow." The Russian government called the US-led attack an "aggression against a sovereign nation". This Thursday against a Syrian base, in response to the alleged chemical weapons attack accused of the Bashar al Asad government. Russian defense officials also said Syria's air defenses will be strengthened to protect its key infrastructure. You can not forget that these two powers have a nuclear arsenal that can destroy "this spaceship," the earth 10 times.

What the UN says: For its part, the United Nations Security Council indicated that it will meet this Friday to discuss the actions of the United States in Syria.
What are the possible consequences:

  1. Relations between the United States and Russia.
    The missile offensive in response to an alleged chemical attack by the Syrian army on civilians may threaten the precarious balance established by former US President Barack Obama in his handling of the Syrian crisis.
  2. Combat against Islamic State. A possible second consequence is that, paradoxically, The attack on Al Asad could undermine America's main interest in the region: defeating the self-styled Islamic state.
  3. A Trump Policy Change? Trump's decision is also a radical departure from his previous rhetoric and also from the policy in the region of his predecessor, Barack Obama.

So the markets reacted after the US attack on Syria

Following US action against Syria, the Mexican exchange rate rose nearly 10 cents and global investors turned to safe haven assets, signals reflecting the markets' nervousness over Trump's policy. In this sense, one of the biggest and best safe havens that may exist is Bitcoin, Its strength can help investors protect their heritage from the madness of war and its aftermath. Equities from Tokyo to Sydney also halted gains and gold jumped as investors turned to safe haven assets following the US-launched cruise missile strike against Syria.

Also, the spot price of the metal rose 10 dollars, after the news spread, to play a level up to $ 263 dollars. Meanwhile, Treasury bonds also saw a steep decline in yields as demand increased, trading at 20:40 hours at 2.31 percent.

In Mexico, the exchange rate of the peso against the dollar also had an immediate reaction, as it rose almost 10 cents after the attack, to quote at 18.83 units.

"I think the sharp reaction of the markets to the attack on Syria reflects nervousness. It's a sign that the policy under Trump's administration is uncertain", said Mark Cudmore, a Singapore-based Bloomberg columnist.

Cudmore continued, "Normally I would suspect that these moves would be diluted in a short time and the impact on the markets would be minimal, but right now, the initial reaction could be maintained, because there are many political cards at stake here." Trump is unpredictable.

Not to forget, oil was another asset that went up. In New York the rise, at 21:40 hours, was 1.90 percent, when minutes before the attack, prices were steep. The price of the WTI reached 52.67 dollars per barrel, the highest price since March 7.

From the perspective described above, there is a convulsed political world in various parts of the world and financial markets are not far from this reality. Therefore, the bitcoin with its power of stability and sustained prices since its inception is a safe haven for "these events in full development."

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