Gold, Crypto, and The Truth About Money

in #bitcoin6 years ago

We were eventually granted permission from the Queen so that I could speak at the Precious Metals Investment Symposium in Perth.

For whatever reason, I was let in with ease, but my wife had to answer hundreds of questions, one of those being, “have you ever conducted a genocide?”

Talk about projection—how about we discuss democide—you know, death by government: the biggest mass-killer in history? Including the genocide and enslavement of Australian indigenous people.

But I digress.

Finally, we both made it into the land Down Under where I gave my presentation to a curious and welcoming audience.

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” — Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Indeed, the central banksters have known for years that to control a population you really just need to control their currency.
Even the word “currency”—it’s not unlike the word “current”, which relates to electricity–a transfer of energy.

Politicians, by vampirically feeding on this essential human interaction, have created so much of the world’s problems.

My talk in Australia covered the whole gamut, from the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the gold and silver markets, and hyperinflation in Venezuela, to crypto volatility, EMP attacks and the internet kill switch.

Of course, I also discussed bitcoin vs precious metals, market sentiment, and picking the top, as well as cashless society, and even gold-backed cryptos.

Years ago when I began to truly understand the nature of this matrix, I eventually realized the wisdom in the old adage “follow the money”.

Learning about the “Creature from Jekyll Island” heightened my awareness and eventually led me to crypto.

To this day, I’ve been able to share my knowledge with others, staying ahead of market trends and capitalizing along the way.

Through the TDV Newsletter (we’ve had 100-300% gains shorting the stock market in the last month), as well as our annual Investment Summit in Acapulco, we’ve been able to distribute expert insights within a true “rising tide lifts all boats” community.FINAL-IMAGE-35.jpg

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63098.06
ETH 2563.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83